In this post, we will review the top 10 most popular Linux distributions based on the usage statistics and market share as per Distrowatch, in descending order.
a computer within a computer, that lets you simulate a device running Linux. This all may seem complicated, but setting up a VM is pretty easy, and the experience is reliable. I myself use VMs regularly to test out software, like when I put together the rankings for...
The mintBox is amongst the toughest computers on the market. It features a die-cast solid-metal case which acts as a giant passive heatsink. Although the metal makes the mintBox heavier than other devices its size, it makes it feel really unique, robust and well engineered. More importantly,...
9. Fedora Built and maintained by theFedora Project(and sponsored byRed Hat), a worldwide community of volunteers and developers,Fedoracontinues to be one of the top-used distributions for years now due to its three main available versions (Workstation (for desktops), Server edition, and Cloud...