Shutdown Command shutdownschedules a time for the system to be powered down. It may be used to halt, power-off or reboot the machine. You may specify a time string (which is usually “now” or “hh:mm” for hour/minutes) as the first argument. Additionally, you may set a wall mess...
* CAD_ON Ctrl-Alt-Del sequence causes RESTART command. * CAD_OFF Ctrl-Alt-Del sequence sends SIGINT to init task. * POWER_OFF Stop OS and remove all power from system, if possible. * RESTART2 Restart system using given command string. * SW_SUSPEND Suspend system using software suspend i...
-h : 关闭操作系统之前将系统中所有的硬件设置为备用模式 三、shoutdown相关命令 -c : 当执行“shoutdown -h 11:50”指令时,执行该命令可取消关机操作 -h :将系统关机,在后面可指定时间实现定时关机 -k :只是送出信息给所有用户,但不是实际关机 -r :shoutdown 之后重新启动 -t <秒数>:送出警告信息和删...
The “down” command disables a network interface, preventing it from sending or receiving data. Conversely, the “up” command enables the interface, allowing it to actively send and receive data. Set a Static IP Address in Linux To assign a static IP address to a network interface in Linux...
typecommand查看命令是内部还是外部命令whichcommand查看该命令文件路径which--skip-aliascommand查看的命令文件路径但不包含别名命令 whereis 查看命令文件路径 2.hash缓存表 系统初始hash表为空,当外部命令执行时,默认会从PATH路径下寻找该命令,找到后会将这条命令的路径记录到hash表中,当再次使用该命令时,shell解释器首...
power off:poweroff 命令命令用于关闭计算器并切断电源。(使用权限:系统管理者。) shutdown:shutdown命令可以用来进行关机程序,并且在关机以前传送讯息给所有使用者正在执行的程序,shutdown 也可以用来重开机。(使用权限:系统管理者。) 语法:shutdown(选项)(参数) ...
which [options] [command] -a 显示命令所有PATH路径 --skip-alias 不显示别名 [centos6@root test]# which --skip-alias ls /bin/ls [centos6@root test]# which -a ls alias ls='ls --color=auto' /bin/ls <a id="whereis">whereis</a> ...
2.11 Command-Line Editing(命令行编辑) As you play with the shell, notice that you can edit the command line using the left and right arrow keys, as well as page through previous commands using the up and down arrows. This is standard on most Linux systems. 当你使用shell时,你会注意到你...
The poweroff command closes out filesystems, shutdowns the system, and power it off. Because this command immediately stops all processes, it should be run only in single-user mode. If the system is not in runlevel 0 or 6, poweroff calls shutdown -h, then performs a poweroff. ...