> conda install -y tqdm Collecting package metadata(current_repodata.json):doneSolving environment:done## Package Plan ##environment location: /Users/zhaochen20/opt/anaconda3/envs/book added / updated specs: - tqdm The following NEW packages will be INSTALLED: tqdm anaconda/pkgs/main/noarch::t...
说明:动态查看GPU使用情况。 18、nohup python -u main.py > ./main.log 2>&1 & 说明:后台挂起方式运行程序main.py,运行日志保存至main.log nohup 指不断地运行,是 no hang up 的缩写,指不间断,不挂断,运行一个进程的时候,不想让其在你退出账号时关闭,即可用 nohup . hang up:悬挂; 吊挂; 挂断(电...
给程序加个进度条——tqdm 用于任何平台(Linux, Windows,Mac等),在任何控制台或GUI中,并且对IPython/Jupyter笔记本也很友好。...random from tqdm import tqdm, trange t = trange(100) for i in t: t.set_description(f"第{i}次迭代") sleeping_time...= random.randint(1,100)/100 t.set_postfix(...
conda install matplotlib tqdm keras==2.2.4 tensorflow-gpu==1.13.1 pip install opencv-python pillow tqdm scikit-image sklearn photutils simpleitk nibabel pandas Random things about Ubuntu Give sudoer permission:sudo su Check GPU information:nvidia-smi -l 1 ...
给程序加个进度条——tqdm 用于任何平台(Linux, Windows,Mac等),在任何控制台或GUI中,并且对IPython/Jupyter笔记本也很友好。...random from tqdm import tqdm, trange t = trange(100) for i in t: t.set_description(f"第{i}次迭代")sleeping_time...= random.randint(1,100)/100 t.set_postfix(sle...