linux安装conda 亲测没问题 然后装环境也没问题: 防止博主删帖我还是记录下: 1.安装 wget -c 2.依次执行,遇到选择选yes ch...
生信技能树学习笔记常见符号图片常见报错找不到文件、文件不存在:No such file or directory没有权限: Permission dnied命令不存在:command not found...如果解决方法提到了 apt/yum/sudo 表明是管理员命令认清楚命令的结构: 命令 + 参数 + 文件 1K50 Linux: conda 安装时常见报错 CondaHTTPerror 解决办法: 1....
The package name and version are correctly defined using Jinja2 templating. The use of variables and filters (e.g.,{{ name|lower }}) ensures consistency and ease of maintenance. 🧰 Tools 🪛 yamllint [error] 1-1: syntax error: found character '%' that cannot start any token (syntax)...
更新anaconda,我之前用的是 3.3.2,直接更新到最新版,完美运行。 conda config --remove channels 'bzip2的下载源',删除掉它 修改~/.condarc文件提高conda-forge的优先级,也就是把conda-forge 放在channels 列表的第一位 之后在/usr/lib64/文件夹下面找了找,看到了类似的文件,同样在lib文件下,名称类似,推测起着...
CURRENT NAME URL ACCOUNT STATUS * default ostechnix Valid And that's it! Your Codefresh CLI should now be ready for action, fully authenticated and equipped to work with multiple accounts. For usage details, refer the Codefresh help section by entering the following comm...
Meta Packages Meta packages are RPM/Deb/Conda packages which contain no (or few) files but have multiple de- pendencies. They are used to install many CUDA packages when you may not know the details of the packages you want. Below is the list of meta packages. 36 Chapter 5. Package ...
A support engineer suggested installing duckdb using mamba/conda as a workaround. I can confirm that "mamba install python-duckdb" resolved this issue for me. duckdb version: 0.9.2 ptyhon version: 3.11.7 Hope this helps.normaljosh commented Feb 14, 2024 With duckdb v0.10.0, I...
1. 问题描述 Win10, 在用conda或者pip安装包的时候提示"Can\'t connect to HTTPS URL because the SSL module is not available."))' 原因分析: SSL 模块不可用。在安装python之前系统中并没有先安装openssl,但这是和URL通讯所需要的。 2. 解决办法 登录网站htt... ...
scriptname [scriptname ...] positional arguments: scriptname name of scriptfiles to be processed or exactly one .spec-file. If a .spec-file is specified, most options are unnecessary and are ignored. optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit ...
在下面的链接中下载.whl文件,然后放到anaconda3\pkgs路径下,并在当前路径下打开terminal,激活conda环境,然后通过指令“pip install xxx”进行安装,此方法几乎不可能失败,就是麻烦。注意如果download files里没有需要的版本(比如我要manylinux py36的但是最低只有manylinux py38),就用release history搜索历史版本!!4...