select() can monitor only file descriptors numbers that are less than FD_SETSIZE; poll(2) and epoll(7) do not have this limitation. See BUGS. IO复用模型(I/O multiplexing) - epoll man epoll man 2 epoll_create man 2 epoll_ctl man 2 epoll_wait epoll: SYNOPSIS #include <sys/epoll.h>...
FileFilterUtils.fileFileFilter(),FileFilterUtils.suffixFileFilter(".txt")));//设置文件变化监听器 observer.addListener(new MyFileListener());FileAlterationMonitor monitor = new FileAlterationMonitor(interval,observer);monitor.start();//Thread.sleep(30000);//monitor.stop();} } ...
function io_monitor { #设备数量 dev_num=`iostat -d | egrep "sd." | wc -l` #打印磁盘IO队列长度 iostat -d -x 1 3 | egrep "sd." | tail -n +$[dev_num+1] | awk '{io_len[$1]+=$(NF-1)}END{for(i in io_len){print i,io_len[i]}}' } #函数:根据队列长度,产生输出告...
sar -u 10 >> /home/log/monitor_cpu.log pidstat -d -p pid 10 >> /home/log/monitor_io_.log pidstat -r -p pid 10 >> /home/log/monitor_memory_.log pidstat -u -p pid 10 >>/home/log/monitor_cpu_.log 1. 查询句柄信息:sar -v 10 >> /home/log/monitor_jb.log dentunusd file...
void FsMonitor::HandleEvents(struct ev_loop *loop, struct ev_io *watcher, int revents) { struct fs_io * fs_watcher = (struct fs_io *)watcher; FsMonitor * fs_monitor = (FsMonitor *)fs_watcher->data; int length, i = 0; char buffer[BUF_LEN]; ...
既然性能跟传统 AIO 差不多,那为什么还称io_uring为革命性技术呢? 1、它首先和最大的贡献在于:统一了 Linux 异步 I/O 框架, Linux AIO只支持 direct I/O模式的存储文件(storage file),而且主要用在数据库这一细分领域; io_uring支持存储文件和网络文件(network sockets),也支持更多的异步系统调用 (accept/op...
- `%iowait`:显示用于等待I/O操作占用 CPU总时间的百分比。 - `%steal`:管理程序(hypervisor)为另一个虚拟进程提供服务而等待虚拟 CPU 的百分比。 - `%idle`:显示 CPU空闲时间占用 CPU总时间的百分比。 - **总结**: - 1.若 `%iowait` 的值过高,表示硬盘存在I/O瓶颈 ...
select()can monitor only file descriptors numbers that are less thanFD_SETSIZE;poll(2)andepoll(7)donot havethislimitation.SeeBUGS. IO复用模型(I/O multiplexing) - epoll 代码语言:javascript 复制 man epoll man2epoll_create man2epoll_ctl
}// register file/directory path and event mask.boolInit(conststd::vector<std::pair<std::string,uint32_t>> &item_list);boolRun();boolStop(); private:staticvoidHandleEvents(structev_loop *loop,structev_io *watcher,intrevents);boolRemoveItem(conststd::string&item_name);boolModifyItem(const...
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