1. Linux Mint Linux Mintis a stable, robust, and elegant Ubuntu-based distribution. One of the reasons behind its popularity is the fact that up until version 20.x it included out of the box a lot of useful software (such as multimedia codecs). However, this ended with version 21, le...
Linux Mint is the perfect balance between performance and stability. Its user-friendly update manager can enable gamers to tailor their update settings specifically to their preferences. This can result in a much more optimized and seamless overall gaming experience. With a key focus on stability an...
The core feature of Pop Shell is the addition of advanced tiling window management similar to i3wm.sudo dnf install gnome-shell-extension-pop-shellEnable FirewallUsing firewalldOpen the terminal and run://Checks firewall status sudo firewall-cmd --state sudo systemctl status firewalld...
Nobara:含有针对游戏本legion等的独特优化,自带nvidia驱动,开箱即用。有gnome/kde桌面环境版本 pop! os:自带nvidia驱动 mint:易用的驱动安装向导(包括nvidia)。更新更保守,可能跟不上最新硬件驱动。有Cinnamon/xfce/MATE桌面环境版本安装_day3u盘烧录Ventoy,多引导,多启动你...
Linux Mint elementary OS elementary OS is one of themost beautiful Linux distrosI’ve ever used. The UI resembles that of macOS, and things have evolved with newer updates. But, if you have already used a Mac-powered system, it’s easy to get comfortable with. ...
iOS (beta):https://www.reddit.com/r/linuxmint/comments/rn04lw/interest_in_warpinator_for_ios/ Windows:https://winpinator.swisz.cz Sponsorships: Linux Mint is proudly sponsored by: Gold Sponsors: Silver Sponsors: Bronze Sponsors: Donations in February: ...
Linux Mint Linux Questions Manjaro Nix NixOS Open Source openSUSE Pop!_OS Qubes OS Red Hat Rocky Linux Slackware Solus Project Sway Window Manager Tails Ubuntu Unix Porn Void Linux Whonix Xfce Xubuntu Zorin OS Contributors Thanks to All of Github contributors for making this list possible and Eve...
系统版本LinuxMint 21.2 Cinnamon 所需文件下载:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1gHD-jgEUGKO2etRwXSTuTA?pwd=9dk2 提取码:9dk2 安装后去设置改国内源,直接apt upgrade更新一次,重启后除了登陆界面之外,系统显示方向会恢复正常(文本模式和Plymouth也横过来了,强迫症大喜 ...
Linux Mint 22 looks like a solid base for the future, but there are many bugs in this BETA. Some of the issues are important (apparmor security changes leading to application crashes, HW acceleration playback libs making Xorg crash, Flatpak/mintinstall issues…etc.) so we’re really happy ...
选择一个适合初学者的Linux发行版,如Ubuntu或Linux Mint,这些系统用户友好,容易上手。在安装前,做好...