先安装一个ventoy,作为u盘启动盘,在u盘内你可以添加任意的iso文件,相当于系统启动时可以通过该u盘启动任意iso,省去了定制启动盘的步骤。 然后搜索linux mint,下载选择 Cinnamon版本,该版本兼容性更好,亲测surface pro3可以直接安装,自带所有驱动,包括wifi,蓝牙,触摸等。 关闭苏菲安全自动模式,插入u盘,点击第一个进入...
在经历了查询教程-找室友借u盘烧录-下载linux mint映像-找烧录工具-烧录完成-在sp3的类BIOS界面里关掉了STM(好像是platform啥的……有点记不清了)和 secure boot以后,开始开心的安装linux。 然后就感受到了世界的残酷。 用的是surface pro 3,但是grub怎么都安装不上去……stackoverflow上百度了若干问题。无果。折...
1. Linux Mint Linux Mint’swell-known motto (“From freedom came elegance“), takes the top spot once again in 2024, which is based onUbuntu, it is a stable, powerful, complete, and easy-to-use Linux distribution – and we could go on and on with a list of positive adjectives to d...
我用的是Surface Pro 3,前段时间装了个Mint + Win 10当生产工具来着,刚好可以回答一下。但是Surface...
Latest version:Linux Mint Tessa (19.1) Default Desktop Environment:Cinnamon and MATE Ubuntu Ubuntu is a complete desktop Linux operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. The Ubuntu community is built on the ideas enshrined in the Ubuntu Manifesto: that software sh...
So basically I can't seem to turn on my bluetooth. I tried a lot of stuff none seem to work. This is what I get in my bluetooth manager: https://imgur.com/a/eYwfxbZ Environment Hardware model: Surface Laptop 3 (Intel) Kernel version: Lin...
Mint is designed to work right out of the box, with pre-installed apps, fonts, multimedia codecs, and everything you need. It’s essentially a plug-and-play experience where you don’t need to read any long tutorials on how to set up your new desktop. It’s also one of those distr...
- **搭配系统**:Linux Mint Cinnamon Edition、Manjaro Cinnamon - **应用推荐**:Nemo File Manager...
library, brings several key improvements, including enhanced modularity, improved security, and better support for modern cryptographic algorithms and protocols. OpenSSL 3 introduces a modular architecture, allowing developers to more easily customize their builds and reduce the attack surface. It features ...
更新一下: 这几天把Surface装上了Linux。本来是装Arch的结果到最后都没搞定触摸,直接换成Ubuntu然后现在基本完美。我之前视频里录过的…阅读全文 赞同2110 条评论 分享收藏喜欢 个人电脑只装Linux是怎样的体验? 张晨 老杂 2023年3月来回答 先贴neofetch 基本上用什么系统得看是什么用户...