Operating SystemDownloadAlt. Download Android or Get it on F-Droid or directly download the APK file: 64-bit 32-bit iOS -Terminal applicationOperating systemMethod macOS, Linux, or Windows (via WSL) Important: First, install Node 10+.NPM_CONFIG_PREFIX=~/.joplin-bin npm install -g joplin...
Operating SystemDownloadAlternative Windows (32 and 64-bit) Or get the Portable versionThe portable application allows installing the software on a portable device such as a USB key. Simply copy the file JoplinPortable.exe in any directory on that USB key ; the application will then create a ...
Linux Mint 22 XFCE “Wilma” (64-bit Mac) – 2.7 GBlinuxmint-22-xfce-64bit-mac-mattgadient.com.iso ( md5: 4a11007942505f166ac5242eadb761fa )–LMDE 6 (64-bit Mac) – 2.6 GBlmde-6-cinnamon-64bit-mac-mattgadient.com.iso ( md5: 2ddd066b921633a4a63ca66089a5b11b )–Linux Mint...
I have no success with Maverick 64 Bit and Nexus One… I tried many combinations but neither worked for me… This is the last I tryed: $ sudo gedit /etc/udev/rules.d/90-android.rules There I put: SUBSYSTEM==”usb”, ATTR{idVendor}==”0bb4″, MODE=”0666″ $ sudo chmod a+r ...
Kakuis available forLinuxin two formats and for both 32-bit and 64-bit architecture. [mks_button size=”medium” title=”Download Kaku Music Player” style=”squared” url=”https://github.com/EragonJ/Kaku/releases” target=”_blank” bg_color=”#529b30″ txt_color=”#FFFFFF” icon=”...
Download thelatest version for Ubuntu(this is the 64 Bit version) and install the packages with the following commands: $tar-zxvfguacamole-0.7.1-ubuntu-12.04-amd64.tar.gz $cdguacamole-0.7.1-ubuntu-12.04-amd64/$lsguacamole_0.7.0-1_all.deb guacd_0.7.0-2_amd64.deb libguac-client-rdp0_...
elif [ "$APP_ANSWER" == "Italiano" ] then INSTNAME="StarCraft-II-Setup-itIT.exe" elif [ "$APP_ANSWER" == "Polski" ] then INSTNAME="StarCraft-II-Setup-plPL.exe" elif [ "$APP_ANSWER" == "???" ] then INSTNAME="StarCraft-II-Setup-ruRU.exe" elif [...
Grive ToolsisavailableforUbuntu 12.10, 13.04,13.10, 14.04.Debian and Mint should also work with minor changes to the instructions. Ubuntu 12.04is NOT officially supported because of dependency issues butsee here for Ubuntu 12.04 64bit installation instructions. We use Grive Tools daily on Ubuntu 12.0...
elif [ "$APP_ANSWER" == "Italiano" ] then INSTNAME="StarCraft-II-Setup-itIT.exe" elif [ "$APP_ANSWER" == "Polski" ] then INSTNAME="StarCraft-II-Setup-plPL.exe" elif [ "$APP_ANSWER" == "???" ] then INSTNAME="StarCraft-II-Setup-ruRU.exe" elif [...
Android or download the APK file: 64-bit 32-bit iOS - Terminal application Operating systemMethod macOS, Linux, or Windows (via WSL) Important: First, install Node 12+.NPM_CONFIG_PREFIX=~/.joplin-bin npm install -g joplinsudo ln -s ~/.joplin-bin/bin/joplin /usr/bin/joplinBy default,...