Linux: Fixes laurent22#5105: Use --no-sandbox option for Linux Mint L… Jun 20, 2021 LICENSE Doc: Clarified logo and icon license Jun 20, 2021 Desktop: Remove template feature (replaced by template plugin) Aug 6, 2021 Doc: Changed GitHub links from master to dev...
If it works with your distribution (it has been tested on Ubuntu, Fedora, and Mint; the desktop environments supported are GNOME, KDE, Xfce, MATE, LXQT, LXDE, Unity, Cinnamon, Deepin and Pantheon), the recommended way is to use this script as it will handle the desktop icon too: wget...
A Guide to Choosing a Distribution Linux Mint LinuxMint, a distribution based on Ubuntu, was first launched in 2006 by Clement Lefebvre, a French-born IT specialist living in Ireland. Originally maintaining a Linux web site dedicated to providing help, tips and documentation to new Linux users,...
I’ve been used Linux Mint since the outset, after feeling Ubuntu was a bit cumbersome and 8.10 disappointing, and have been awestruck at the progress made with each new Mint release. I was again surprised at the ease of installation of Felicia RC1 on one of my somewhat difficult Japanese ...
NAME="Linux Mint" VERSION="20.1 (Ulyssa)" ID=linuxmint ID_LIKE=ubuntu PRETTY_NAME="Linux Mint 20.1" VERSION_ID="20.1" HOME_URL="" SUPPORT_URL="" BUG_REPORT_URL="
I have installed MATLAB 2022b on my LInux Mint 21.1. My laptop is an Acer Swift 3 with an Nvidia MX250 dedicated gpu. I have installed the drivers for the gpu, namely the nvidia-driver-525 and nvidia-utils-525 package. The Nvidia X Server Set...
While the elementary OS (Loki) disc booted after running the C program on it, it crashes upon installation; it's also very sluggish. Linux Mint 18 (Cinnamon) works flawlessly, however. Again, many thanks for having this page and the program to convert ISO images up. Rob on September ...
Feedback for Linux Mint 17.2 I tried to run the pre-made installation but I had a message: "Unable to create graphic context". I switched from Wine 1.5.10 to 1.7.49 and the problem has been solved. Then, because I used the "nouveau" free driver for my graphic card (hybrid Intel pr...
Feedback for Linux Mint 17.2 I tried to run the pre-made installation but I had a message: "Unable to create graphic context". I switched from Wine 1.5.10 to 1.7.49 and the problem has been solved. Then, because I used the "nouveau" free driver for my graphic card (hybrid Intel pr...
This menu allows the manual installation of the plugin using the single 'Joplin Plugin Archive' (*.jpl) file. Once the application is reloaded the plugins will appear within the plugins menu where they can be toggled on/off or removed entirely. Plugins are currently maintained by the community...