Silly as it may be, I hestitated for months to come from Windows to Linux because I couldn't find a simple image editor like GIMP is a powerful tool, but it has a big learning curve. I haven't used Pinta much yet, but I'm able to do quick, simple things like crop...
VTune™ Analyzer z Developer Services – Early access to newest hardware z Intel® Solution Services – World wide solution centers and consulting services z 400+ ISVs Understanding Solutions & Integration Vtune is a trademark*oOrtrheegrisntaemreedstraanddembraarnkdosf mIntaeyl Cbeorcploarimate...
分享53141 psvita破解吧 soarqin 【原创】Final h-encore v1.4 一体化h-encore安装器本工具支持windows, mac和linux(需要自己编译) 使用说明: 0) Windows下如果没有装过Qcma请先安装驱动文件QcmaDriver_WinUSB.exe 1) 将PSV升级到3.65或者3.68,如果是3.65请打开飞行模式(如果要WiFi连接内容管理器那么可以不开飞行...
国内mint是什么情况? 请从软件量、性能、逼格等方面分析。 分享54赞 linux吧 ◆XXXXXX 制作操作系统,USB鼠标驱动终于搞定了,我都花了快20天了 分享243 linux吧 windows的FAT32文件系统和unix文件系统的区别帮个忙 分享8赞 linux吧 一个shell编程的问题(诚心请教!)a文件内容如下: 12 one 21 two 3 his ...
For a fast productivity-based Linux installation, Linux Mint is pretty impressive. The distribution comes with the entire LibreOffice suite, and the utilities packed into this distro cover all the bases. In terms of issues…well, there was a big one that I didn’t have the time to resolve:...
On a new installation of the steam client (ubuntu 13.10), steam immediately crashed due to a segmentation fault. Output from terminal: Running Steam on ubuntu 13.10 64-bit STEAM_RUNTIME is enabled automatically Installing breakpad except...
Debian-based distros (Ubuntu, Linux Mint, Pop_OS, elementaryOS, etc) Red Hat-based distros (Fedora 39 is working well, I tested that) Arch-based distros (Yes, it should work on Steam Deck as well) In this post, I'll use Fedora 39 for a reference. ...