Deutsch (Deutschland) de_DE Atalanttore 94% Eesti Keel (Eesti) et_EE 56% English (United Kingdom) en_GB 100% English (United States of America) en_US 100% Español (España) es_ES Francisco Mora 99% Esperanto eo Marton Paulo 32% Finnish (Suomi) fi_FI mrkaato 93% Français (...
If it works with your distribution (it has been tested on Ubuntu, Fedora, Gnome and Mint), the recommended way is to use this script as it will handle the desktop icon too: wget -O - | bash...
Ubuntu, Debian, Mint (.deb) RedHat, CentOS, Fedora (.rpm) Other distributions (.tar.gz package) SHA-256 viewer1.0.19.b19_amd64.deb e83f932ba4d295c0ab576b1d83706816b96a04b339ec8ca9721bc61066284108 viewer1.0.19.b19_x86_64.rpm 343abc8a549af3a88a17c444cc7d897e1e2f509db185fe3b4b03bc4...
German (Deutsch) TUXEDO TUXEDO Computers - Linux Hardware in a tailor made suite Choose from a wide range of laptops and PCs in various sizes and shapes Every machine comes pre-installed and ready-to-run withLinux. Full24 months of warrantyand lifetime support included!
I just upgraded from Ubuntu8.10 x64 to the new Mint6RC1 x86 and my wifi doesn’t work! I had working wifi out of the box with 8.10 x64. As a matter of fact, I can’t get the wifi button on the keyboard to work. I’m using an Acer Aspire 6930 which has a “smart button”...
I just installed Linux Mint 20.1 on my computer (ThinkPad P51 with Nvidia Quadro 2200m). I have issues regarding Matlab and also regarding the detecting the GPU. After I boot my computer, I open the terminal and launch Matlab using the command ThemeCopy matlab $ Then Matlab open...
Deutschland (Deutsch) España (Español) Finland (English) France (Français) Ireland (English) Italia (Italiano) Luxembourg (English) Netherlands (English) Norway (English) Österreich (Deutsch) Portugal (English) Sweden (English) Switzerland Deutsch English Français United Kingdom(English) ...
Check that you have installed all of Wine's dependencies. Note that most of the wrappers are 32-bit, so 32-bit dependencies will be required. On Linux Mint just installing the wine package should install both the 64 and 32 bit versions. ...
Norway (English) Österreich (Deutsch) Portugal (English) Sweden (English) Switzerland Deutsch English Français United Kingdom(English) Asia Pacific Australia (English) India (English) New Zealand (English) 中国 简体中文Chinese English 日本Japanese (日本語) ...
Feedback for Linux Mint 17.2 I tried to run the pre-made installation but I had a message: "Unable to create graphic context". I switched from Wine 1.5.10 to 1.7.49 and the problem has been solved. Then, because I used the "nouveau" free driver for my graphic card (hybrid Intel pr...