disk.io.write_sectors:total number of sectors written successfully. disk.io.read_bytes:单位是byte的数字 disk.io.write_bytes:单位是byte的数字 disk.io.avgrq_sz:下面几个值就是iostat -x 1看到的值 disk.io.avgqu-sz disk.io.await disk.io.svctm disk.io.util:是个百分数,比如56.43,表示56.43% 8...
disk.io.write_sectors:total number of sectors written successfully. disk.io.read_bytes:单位是byte的数字 disk.io.write_bytes:单位是byte的数字 disk.io.avgrq_sz:下面几个值就是iostat -x 1看到的值 disk.io.avgqu-sz disk.io.await disk.io.svctm disk.io.util:是个百分数,比如56.43,表示56.43% 8...
5.1 说明 Load 就是对计算机干活多少的度量(WikiPedia:the system Load is a measure of the amount of work that a compute system is doing)简单的说是进程队列的长度。Load Average 就是一段时间(1分钟、5分钟、15分钟)内平均Load。 5.2 分析工具 5.3 使用方式 //查看负载情况 uptime top vmstat //统计系...
//查看网络IO sar -n DEV 1 //抓包以包为单位进行输出 tcpdump -i eth1 host and port 80 //抓包以流为单位显示数据内容 tcpflow -cp host 8、系统负载8.1 说明 Load 就是对计算机干活多少的度量(WikiPedia:the system Load is a measure of the amount of work that a comput...
Load 就是对计算机干活多少的度量(WikiPedia:the system Load is a measure of the amount of work that a compute system is doing)简单的说是进程队列的长度。Load Average就是一段时间(1分钟、5分钟、15分钟)内平均Load。 8.2 分析工具 8.3 使用方式 ...
编译自: https://wpmojo.com/how-to-use-fio-to-measure-disk-performance-in-linux/ 作者: Alex Pearson 译者: Bestony Fio(Flexible I/O Tester) 是一款由 Jens Axboe 开发的用于测评和压力/硬件验证的 自由开源 的软件。 它支持 19 种不同类型的 I/O 引擎 (sync、mmap、libaio、posixaio、SG v3、spl...
disk.io.ios_in_progress:Number of actual I/O requests currently in flight. disk.io.msec_read:Total number of ms spent by all reads. disk.io.msec_total:Amount of time during which ios_in_progress >= 1. disk.io.msec_weighted_total:Measure of recent I/O completion time and backlog. ...
disk.io.msec_read:Total number of ms spent by all reads. disk.io.msec_total:Amount of time during which ios_in_progress >= 1. disk.io.msec_weighted_total:Measure of recent I/O completion time and backlog. disk.io.msec_write:Total number of ms spent by all writes. ...
disk.io.msec_weighted_total:Measure of recent I/O completion time and backlog. disk.io.msec_write:Total number of ms spent by all writes. disk.io.read_merged:Adjacent read requests merged in a single req. disk.io.read_requests:Total number of reads completed successfully. ...
I/O completion, I/O merge, or read of these stats by the number of I/Os in progress (field 9) times the number of milliseconds spent doing I/O since the last update of this field. This can provide an easy measure of both I/O completion time and the backlog that may be accumulati...