Linux MCQs: This section contains multiple-choice questions and answers on Linux. It will help the students and developers to prepare well for their exams, and enhance their skills.
Linux Aptitude Questions: This section contains aptitude questions and answers (Multiple choice questions (MCQ)) on various Linux topics.List of the Linux Aptitude Questions TopicsLinux Basics Aptitude Linux Environment Aptitude Linux File Commands Aptitude Linux Directory Commands Aptitude Linux Admin ...
Linux MCQs: Solve Linux Multiple-Choice Questions to prepare better for the upcoming exams and score better in GATE. Click here to find Linux MCQs.
iTestis an application which allows you to take advantage of the best of computerised examination. The software makes it easy to create and organise a database of questions and answers, set up a server and a printer. It connect a client computer for each student, which generates a test acco...
fc-cache uses each directory in the current font configuration. Each directory is scanned for font files readable by FreeType. A cache is created which contains properties of each font and the associated filename. This cache is used to speed up application startup when using the fontconfig libr...