1. ls -a 列出文件下所有的文件,包括以“.“开头的隐藏文件(linux下文件隐藏文件是以.开头的,如果存在..代表存在着父目录)。 2. ls -l 列出文件的详细信息,如创建者,创建时间,文件的读写权限列表等等。 3. ls -F 在每一个文件的末尾加上一个字符说明该文件的类型。"@"表示符号链接、"|"表示FIFOS、"...
ls-r 文件以反序排列 ls-t 文件以修改时间排序 ls-S 文件以大小排序 ls-h 以易读大小显示 ls-l 除了文件名外,还将文件的权限、所有者、文件大小等详细信息显示出来 ls-lhrt 按照易读方式按时间反序排序,并显示文件详细信息 ls-lrS 按大小反序显示文件详细信息 ls-l t* 列出当前目录中所有以“t”开头的...
mklabel LABELTYPE:转换分区格式。LABELTYPE可为:gpt。 mkpart PARTTYPE [FSTYPE] START END:创建分区。PARTTYPE可为:primary(主分区)、logical、extended。FSTYPE可为:ext3、ext4等。START和END默认以M为单位,可使用百分比N%。 align-check TYPE PARTITIONNUMBER:检查分区是否对齐。TYPE可为:minimal(最小)、optimal(...
try entering a command name followed by --help or -h (the option varies from command to command). You may get a deluge (as in the case of ls --help), or you may find just what you’re looking for
For example, if you’re looking for a command to sort something, run: 如果您不太知道所需命令的名称,这将很有帮助。例如,如果您正在寻找一个用于排序的命令,请运行: 代码语言:javascript 复制 $ man -k sort --snip-- comm (1) - compare two sorted files line by line qsort (3) - sorts an...
Linux中ls对文件进行按大小排序和按时间排序 一、使用sort排序 [root@vps ~]# ll | grep '^[^d]' | sort -n -rw--- 1 root root 0 Aug 4 19:21 ipp.txt -rw--- 1 root root 232 Aug 4 19:23 openvpn-status.log -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2095419 Jul 27 14:57 nagios-plugins-1.4...
sort criteria: a: sort by number of active objects b: sort by objects per slab c: sort by cache size l: sort by number of slabs v: sort by number of active slabs n: sort by name o: sort by number of objects p: sort by pages per slab s: sort by object size u: sort by ...
ls -t Sort Directories and Files Alphabetically by Their Extension To sort directories and files alphabetically by the entry extension type, run: ls -X Files with the same extension are grouped, making it easier to view similar file types together, ...
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s1: 1 second interval. M: sort by mem. P: sort by CPU. T: time and fo: get help. md5sum /bin/ps-> checksum rpm's md5sum file /bin/ps # unix file cmd/ file command. ie. file /etc/security/lastlog to tell file type.kill...