with -l, WORD determineswhichtime to show; with --sort=time,sortby WORD (newest first) --time-style=TIME_STYLE time/date format with -l; see TIME_STYLE below -tsortby time, newest first; see --time# ✅ 按时间排序,最新的排在最前面 LS(1) User Commands LS(1) NAMEls- list direc...
bin boot dev etc home lib lib64 lost+found media mnt opt proc root sbin selinux srv sys tmp usr var 列出目前工作目录下所有名称是 b 开头的文件,越新的排越后面 : $ls -lrt b* backupfile: total 76 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 23376 Sep 6 2015 date -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 23376 S...
ls-r 文件以反序排列 ls-t 文件以修改时间排序 ls-S 文件以大小排序 ls-h 以易读大小显示 ls-l 除了文件名外,还将文件的权限、所有者、文件大小等详细信息显示出来 ls-lhrt 按照易读方式按时间反序排序,并显示文件详细信息 ls-lrS 按大小反序显示文件详细信息 ls-l t* 列出当前目录中所有以“t”开头的...
1. `sort`命令:`sort`命令用于按照行来对文件内容进行排序。默认情况下,它按照字母顺序进行排序,可以使用不同的选项进行自定义排序。例如,要对文件`file.txt`进行排序并将结果输出到标准输出,可以使用以下命令:`sort file.txt`。 2. `ls`命令:`ls`命令用于列出文件和目录。默认情况下,它按字典顺序对文件和目录...
Use the following to sort directories and files by modification time, with the most recently modified items displayed first: ls -tCopy Sort Directories and Files Alphabetically by Their Extension To sort directories and files alphabetically by the entry extension type, run: ...
sort criteria: a: sort by number of active objects b: sort by objects per slab c: sort by cache size l: sort by number of slabs v: sort by number of active slabs n: sort by name o: sort by number of objects p: sort by pages per slab s: sort by object size u: sort by ...
一、使用sort排序 [root@vps ~]# ll | grep '^[^d]' | sort -n -rw--- 1 root root 0 Aug 4 19:21 ipp.txt -rw--- 1 root root 232 Aug 4 19:23 openvpn-status.log -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2095419 Jul 27 14:57 nagios-plugins-1.4.15.tar.gz -rw-r--r-...
This half works, but looks at the modified date of the parent directory instead of the max timestamp of files under the directory: find . -maxdepth 1 -mtime +30 -type d -ls | grep -vE 'name1|name2' I'm very much a novice with bash, so any help and guidance...
tar.gz: POSIX tar archive (GNU) (gzip compressed data, was "httpd-2.4.46.tar", from Unix, last modified: Sat Aug 1 10:12:01 2020, max compression) nl命令 nl命令用于显示行号 nl [-bnw] 文件 选项与参数: -b: 指定行号指定的方式,主要有两种: -b a :表示不论是否为空行,也同样列出...
7. Sorting Ouptut of ls -l based on Date This command sorts the output of'ls -l'command based on 6th field month wise, then based on 7th field which is date, numerically. # ls -l | sort -k6M -k7ntotal 116 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Oct 1 19:51 backup.tgz ...