ls命令:ls是 list 的缩写,可列出指定目录下的内容及其相关属性信息,是使用频率较高的Linux命令之一。ls命令功能有不少,可以用来查看Linux文件夹里的文件,也可以查看包括目录、文件夹等一些文件权限和对目录信息的查看等等。语法格式:ls [选项] [文件]。Part.2 cat命令:cat是concatenate的简写,cat也是比较常用的...
List files by their size in reverse order By default, it is sorted to put bigger files on the top. You can reverse the order and display the bigger files at the bottom. Put the reverse option -r with the rest. ls -lhSr This is particularly useful when you have numerous files (like...
For example, the following command prints a list of files in the current directory: shell可以将简单的模式与文件和目录名匹配,这个过程称为globbing。 这类似于其他系统中通配符的概念。其中最简单的是通配符*,它告诉shell匹配任意数量的任意字符。 例如,以下命令打印出当前目录中的文件列表: 代码语言:javascript...
1. ls命令 ls命令是列出目录内容(List Directory Contents)的意思。运行它就是列出文件夹里的内容,可能是文件也可能是文件夹。 1 2 3 root@raspberrypi:/# ls bin boot.bak etc lib media opt root sbin srv tmp var boot dev home lost+found mnt proc run selinux sys usr “ls -l”命令以详情模式(...
top uptime vmstat 网络 arp dig ip nc netcat nethogs 服务 service systemctl 证书 软件包 进程调试 远程连接 计算 变量 媒体 命令执行 source xargs 说明:下文中,大写为自定义变量,根据实际情况填写(个别大写的参数除外)。使用[]引起表示内容可选,使用{}引起表示内容为一个整体,|表示使用左侧或右侧内容,...表...
Following this is a huge list of other error messages that looks like a complete catastrophe. Don’t let those other errors distract you. You probably just need to create /etc/scumd/config. 接下来是一个巨大的错误消息列表,看起来像是一场完全的灾难。不要让这些其他错误分散你的注意力。你可能只...
-a –Show hidden files and directories that start with . in addition to non-hidden items. -R –Recursively list all subdirectory contents, descending into child folders indefinitely. -S –Sort results by file size, largest first. -t –Sort by timestamp, newest first.Example...
# last installed, size, all info. rpm -qi <rpm> --scripts # preinstall, postinstall scripts rpm -qp <rpm> --requires # dependency list --provides # capability provided by package --changelog # changelog rpm build # building from a source RPM (SRPM) to create a *.spec # usually in...
$ (gdb) list filename:line_number # 显示源代码,并以指定的行作为中心 $ (gdb) break [filename:] line_number # 在(指定文件或当前文件)指定行设置断点 $ (gdb) continue / c [passes] # 继续执行到下一个断点,passes表示忽略几次中断
You can also use du command to list the largest files and folders in Linux. Here is an example to list top 10 files & directories in /home folder. $ du -a /home | sort -n -r | head -n 10 256452 /home 256448 /home/ubuntu ...