在 Linux 中,可以使用 du命令来检查目录的大小。du -sh目录路径 其中,-s选项表示只显示总计,-h ...
tree - list contents of directories in a tree-like format 例:默认没有带任何选项的tree [10:12@nosee~]$ tree.├──Desktop│ └── test1 ├──Documents├──Downloads├──Music├──Pictures├──Public├── snap │ └── snap-store │ ├──518│ ├──558│ ├── common │...
The size command in Linux is used to display the size of files and directories in bytes. It is a basic utility that provides information about the disk usage of a particular file or directory. Here are five important points about the size command in Linux: 1. Syntax: The basic syntax of...
6. -l, –list: Lists the files, directories, or processes that are relevant to the command. This parameter is commonly used with commands like ls (list files) or ps (list running processes). 7. -a, –all: Includes hidden files or directories in a command’s output. Hidden files in ...
7 directories, 16 files 可以看到,所有以.x86_64为后缀的文件表示当前操作系统是基于 「x86」架构的 64 位系统,不同架构的服务器对应的标识是不一样的;所有以.img位后缀的文件就是镜像文件了,其中以initramfs-为前缀的则表明是开机启动所需的镜像文件。以vmlinuz-为前缀的文件为服务器开机时需要加载的内核启动文...
It is very easy to check the size of directories and files in Linux using the GUI, but it is not always easy to get the size of a directory using the command line. The ls command can be used to list the contents of a directory, but it does not display th
3、ls(list files) 显示指定工作目录下的内容 语法 ls [-alrtAFR] [name] 参数 -a 显示所有文件及目录 (.开头的隐藏文件也会列出) -l 除文件名称外,亦将文件型态、权限、拥有者、文件大小等资讯详细列出 -r 将文件以相反次序显示(原定依英文字母次序) ...
There is nothing special about dot files or directories. Some programs don’t show them by default so that you won’t see a complete mess when listing the contents of your home directory. For example, ls doesn’t list dot files unless you use the -a option. In addition, shell globs do...
List Files by Size To receive a long listing format of files and directories sorted by file size, from largest to smallest, run: ls -lS Display Files Under Specific Directory If you want to access files in the specific directory, add the directory path to the command. For example, to dis...
To list the top directory (example1) and the first layer of subdirectories (example2andexample3), use--max-depth=1: du -h --max-depth=1 ./example1 Print the Disk Usage Summary for a Directory The-soption prints the disk usage summary for a directory. For instance, print theexample1...