系统有一个全局变量叫做file_systems,这个变量用来管理全部的“文件系统类型”链表。也就是全部的文件系统类型都必须注冊到(链接到)这个链表中,才干够被使用。 假设是自己的文件系统,仅仅要符合VFS的标准,也是能够注冊进去的。终于形成一个单链表形式结构。 而对于一个文件系统类型,使用file_system_type结构表示: 995 ...
File systems may use a storage device such as a hard disk or CD-ROM and involve maintaining the physical location of the files, or they may be virtual and exist only as an access method for virtual data or for data over a network (e.g. NFS).在计算机业,一个文件系统是有组织存储文件...
int register_filesystem(struct file_system_type * fs) { int res = 0; struct file_system_type ** p; BUG_ON(strchr(fs->name, '.')); if (fs->next) return -EBUSY; write_lock(&file_systems_lock); //在已注册的全局文件系统链表file_systems中查找,看是否已经注册过 p = find_filesystem...
In addition, most systems have a separate swap partition. 注意 在拥有大容量硬盘的系统上,多个数据分区曾经很常见,因为旧的个人电脑只能从硬盘的某些部分启动。此外,管理员使用分区来保留一定的空间给操作系统区域;例如,他们不希望用户能够填满整个系统并阻止关键服务的运行。这种做法并不仅限于Unix;你仍然会在许多...
FUSE comes with several example file systems in theexampledirectory. For example, thepassthroughexamples mirror the contents of the root directory under the mountpoint. Start from there and adapt the code! The documentation of the API functions and necessary callbacks is mostly contained in the fil...
Last but not least, I had been thinking about the problem of compressed file systems for a bit and had some ideas that I definitely wanted to try. The majority of the code was written in 2013, then I did a couple of cleanups, bugfixes and refactors every once in a while, but I ...
1)命令语法格式:tar [options] [archive_file_name] [source_file]2)命令参数选项说明如下所示。-c(create):新建归档文件;-d(diff)查找归档文件与文件系统的差异;-t(list):显示归档文件的内容;-x(extract):解压缩归档文件;-u(update):仅增加归档文件中没有的文件;-f(file):指定归档的文件;...