ACL 是 Access Control List 的缩写,主要用于在提供传统的 owner、group、others 的 read、write、execute权限之外进行细部权限设置。启动ACL让/目录支持 ACL:#mount –o remount ,acl /#mount |grep ///查看是否有挂载开机启动 ACL:将要启动 ACL 的分区写入/etc/fstab 中:#vi /etc/fstab/dev/hda5 / ext3...
The selector is on the left. It’s the type of information to be logged. The list on the right is the action: where to send the log. Most actions in Example 7-1 are normal files, with some exceptions. For example, /dev/console refers to a special device for the system console, r...
如果有人问我,程序员做的事,最没实际价值,最容易让用户不爽的是什么?回答: —— 安全如果有人问我,程序员做的事,最必要的是什么?回答: —— 安全如果有人问...
This is how it works in a nutshell: Every process—in fact, every thread—as part of its OS metadata, contains a bitmask. These are called the capability bits or the capability set, because each bit represents a capability. By carefully setting and clearing bits, the kernel (as well as ...
These are generally located in theHOWTOsubdirectory of the FTP sites listed later, or they are available on the World Wide Web at one of the many Linux Documentation Project mirror sites. See the Bibliography at the end of this book, or the fileHOWTO-INDEXfor a list of what's available...
# A complete list of all available capabilities is present # in the capability manual page [1]. $ man capabilities # --- # # Alternative would be # --- # # Capability supported by your kernel $ cat /proc/sys/kernel/cap_last_cap 37 The Linux...
public ntp time server for everyone( # 选择时区 #+8=(5 9 1 1) # (TZ='Asia/Shanghai'; export TZ)括号内写入 /etc/profile15/sbin/hwclock -w # 时间保存到硬件16/etc/shadow # 账户影子文件17LANG=en # 修改语言18vim /etc/sysconfig/i18n # 修改编...
usermod -a group1,group2... user:将 group1-n 添加到 user 的附加组中,原附加组保持不变; usermod -G group1,group2... user:将 user 的附加组设置为 group1-n,原附加组被清除; usermod -g group user:将 user 的初始组设置为 group。
This chapter is a guide to the Unix commands and utilities that will be referenced throughout this book. This is preliminary material, and you may ...
[centos7@root~]# whatis lsls(1)-list directory contents ls(1p)-list directory contents[centos7@root~]# whatis cpcp(1)-copy filesanddirectories cp(1p)-copy files[centos7@root~]# whatis ifconfigifconfig(8)-configure a network interface[centos7@root~]# man -f lsls(1)-list directory ...