常用指令 ls 显示文件或目录 -l 列出文件详细信息l(list) -a 列出当前目录下所有文件及目录,包括隐藏的a(all) mkdir 创建目录...ln 创建链接文件 more、less 分页显示文本文件内容 head、tail 显示文件头、尾内容 ctrl+alt+F1 命令行全屏模式 系统管理命令 stat 显示指定文件的详细信息...,比ls更详细 who ...
#常用选项-l:查看定时任务 list-e:编辑定时任务#保存时会监测运行是否会有问题-u:指定用户#crontab -e -u qiudao编辑qiudao下的定时任务 (可在/var/spool/cron/下查看)#注意: 可以在/var/spool/cron/下用户文件中直接编辑任务,但保存不会监测运行是否有问题-r:删除所有定时任务#crontab -u qiudao -r 删...
of all files: ls -la - Long format list with size displayed using human-readable units (KiB, MiB, GiB): ls -lh - Long format list sorted by size (descending): ls -lS - Long format list of all files, sorted by modification date (oldest first): ls -ltr - Only list directories: ...
SmartKit Computing 1.1.0 InfoCollect Linux 用户指南 01 Linux操作系统日志收集项清单 表3-1Linux操作系统日志收集项清单
Ubuntu is the modern, open source operating system on Linux for the enterprise server, desktop, cloud, and IoT.
Thelscommand is used to list files and directories in the current working directory. This is going to be one of the most frequently used Linux commands you must know of. As you can see in the above image, using the command by itself without any arguments will give us an output with all...
Report problems with this package to the mailing list or directly to theAlexey Gladkov <gladkov.alexey@gmail.com>. Source code The latest stable version of kbd can always be found on: https://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/utils/kbd/ Web interface: ...
aws_ecr_list_tags.sh - lists all the tags for a given ECR docker image aws_ecr_newest_image_tags.sh - lists the tags for the given ECR docker image with the newest creation date (can use this to determine which image version to tag as latest) aws_ecr_alternate_tags.sh - lists all...
list_oracle_homes.sh。如果要确定给定数据库的 ORACLE_HOME,则有多个可选方法。您可以以数据库用户身份登录,并对 $ORACLE_HOME 变量执行echo。您还可以搜索 /etc/oratab 文件并选择与给定实例关联的名称。该文件中的数据库条目的形式如下: $ORACLE_SID:$ORACLE_HOME:<N|Y>: ...
the counter in the text box in the formatobject(instance)\counter. When you start typing, a matching list of common counters appears. You can either select a counter from the list or enter one of your own. You can also return all instances for a particular counter by specifyingobject\...