/bin/sh 2. list_alldir(){ 3. 1` 4. do 5. "$file2" != x"." -a x"$file2" != x".." 6. "$1/$file2" 7. "$1/$file2" 8. "$1/$file2" 9. fi 10. fi 11. done 12. } 13. 14. list_alldir ./test 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. ...
ls是“list”的意思,重点在显示文件的文件名与相关属性。而选项“-al”则表示列出所有的文件详细的权限与属性 (包含隐藏文件,就是文件名第一个字符为“ . ”的文件)。 1. 第一栏代表这个文件的类型与权限(permission) 共有十个字符: 第一个字符代表这个文件是“目录、文件或链接文件等等”: 当为[ d ]则是...
ls(英文全拼:list files): 列出目录及文件名 cd(英文全拼:change directory):切换目录 pwd(英文全拼:print work directory):显示目前的目录 mkdir(英文全拼:make directory):创建一个新的目录 rmdir(英文全拼:remove directory):删除一个空的目录 cp(英文全拼:copy file): 复制文件或目录 rm(英文全拼:remove): ...
This command will list all the contents of the directory /home/ubuntu/mydata such as sub-directories and files ( including hidden files). 3. Delete all files in the Directory Once we confirm we are in the right directory, we can delete all files in the current directory using rm -rv *...
②、pwd:[print working directory] 打印当前工作目录。语法格式为:pwd 只要输入pwd命令就可以打印当前目录,例如: ③、ls:[list] 打印当前所有目录和文件。语法格式为:ls [选项] [目录或文件名] 注意:如果ls 命令后边是目录,会显示目录下包含的文件信息,如果是文件名则会显示该文件的信息,如果没有跟任何参数则...
If you want to access files in the specific directory, add the directory path to the command. For example, to display files under the/tmpdirectory, type: ls -l /tmp Hide File Owner You can also print a detailed list of files and directories, but without showing the owner of each file...
Linux使用一个目录树编排所有的文件和目录。所有的文件和目录都在根目录(root directory)的目录下面,这个目录名为“/”(读作“斜线”)。图2-2显示了目录树的一部分。图2-2 目录树从“/”开始图中的省略号表示这里有许多文件和目录没有显示出来。你可以看到该视图可进一步延伸,例如可以将如图2-1所示的目录树...
[devices|free|list,all|NUMBER] display the partition table, available devices, free space, all found partitions, or a particular partition quit exit program rescue START END rescue a lost partition near START and END resizepart NUMBER END resize partition NUMBER rm NUMBER delete partition NUMBER ...
If no COMMAND(s) are given, run in interactive mode. OPTIONs: -h, --help displays this help message -l, --list lists partition layout on all block devices -m, --machine displays machine parseable output -s, --script never prompts for user intervention -v, --version displays the ...
To create a zip archive of more than one file, pass them in a list (separated by space) after the zip filename. It is also good to ensure you have to write permissions in the directory you are creating the zip file. How to Zip Files In Linux ...