Active: 555484 kB //经常使用的高速缓冲存储器页面文件大小 Inactive: 295984 kB //不经常使用的高速缓冲存储器文件大小 Active(anon): 381020 kB //活跃的匿名内存 Inactive(anon): 244068 kB //不活跃的匿名内存 Active(file): 174464 kB //活跃的文件使用内存 Inactive(file): 51916 kB //不活跃的文件使...
To list processes in Linux, use one of the five commands:ps,top,htop,atop, andpstree. Each command offers different detail and output formats. For instance,psprovides a momentary view of all processes, whiletopandhtopdynamically sort them by CPU usage. First, access your Linux system by ope...
另外,内核线程kswapd会周期性地把active list中符合条件的页面移到inactive list中。 Active:active包含active anon和active file。 Inactive:inactive包含inactive anon和inactive file。 Active(anon):anonymous pages(匿名页),用户进程的内存页分为两种:与文件关联的内存页(比如程序文件,数据文件对应的内存页)和与内存...
show_val_kb(m, "SwapCached: ", total_swapcache_pages()); show_val_kb(m, "Active: ", pages[LRU_ACTIVE_ANON] + pages[LRU_ACTIVE_FILE]); show_val_kb(m, "Inactive: ", pages[LRU_INACTIVE_ANON] + pages[LRU_INACTIVE_FILE]); show_val_kb(m, "Active(anon): ", pages[LRU_ACTIVE_...
对于匿名页面映射,此时页表项已经指向了swap分区,页面从swap分区换入,并建立映射,重新放入active_list。 对于文件页面映射,此时页表项为空,页面从硬盘分区换入,并建立,重新放入active_list。 0x04回答最开始的问题 里面是.data段、.bss段一些可写的段。
2.对 于文件缓存页, 当第一次被读入时, 将置于 inactive list 链表头。如果它被再次访问, 就把它提升到 active list 链表尾; 否则, 随着新的页进入, 它会被慢慢推到 inactive list 尾巴; 如果它再一次访问, 就把它提升到 active list 链表头. ...
8.1 Tracking Processes(追踪进程) You learned how to use ps in 2.16 Listing and Manipulating Processes to list processes running on your system at a particular time. The ps command lists current processes, but it does little to tell you how processes change over time. Therefore, it won’t re...
非活跃内存大小,即被标明可回收的内存,区别于free和active 具体含义见:概念补充(当使用-a选项时显示) active 活跃的内存大小 具体含义见:概念补充(当使用-a选项时显示) Swap si 每秒从交换区写入内存的大小(单位:kb/s) so 每秒从内存写到交换区的大小 ...
The top command is used to display real-time information about system processes. It shows a dynamically updated list of processes, their resource utilization, and other details. 19. ps (Process Status): The ps command is used to display information about active processes. Different flags such as...
-l, --login print system login processes --lookup attempt to canonicalize hostnames viaDNS -m only hostname and user associated with stdin -p, --process print active processes spawned by init -q, --count all login names and number of users logged on ...