◈HandleLidSwitch=suspend:当笔记本电脑使用电池供电时,盒盖挂起 ◈HandleLidSwitchExternalPower=suspend:当笔记本电脑插入电源插座时,盒盖挂起 ◈HandleLidSwitchDocked=ignore:当笔记本电脑连接到扩展坞时,忽略合盖 Default laptop lid closing settings 如你所见,如果合上盖子,笔记本电脑将挂起,无论它是否连接到电源。
如果你查看文件/etc/systemd/logind.conf的内容,你将看到三种不同类型的笔记本电脑合盖默认设置: HandleLidSwitch=suspend:当笔记本电脑使用电池供电时,合盖挂起 HandleLidSwitchExternalPower=suspend:当笔记本电脑插入电源插座时,合盖挂起 HandleLidSwitchDocked=ignore:当笔记本电脑连接到扩展坞时,合盖忽略 Default laptop...
If you are using it with a multi-monitor system, youmay not want Ubuntu to go in suspend when you close the lid. Make Ubuntu Not Go in Suspend When Laptop Lid is Closed If you use Ubuntu on a laptop, you might have noticed that the system is suspended when you close the lid. That...
可以根据自己的需要设置不同的值,取值有:ignore,poweroff,reboot,halt,suspend,hibernate,hybrid-sleep,suspend-then-hibernate,lock,kexec。 要读的文章 TODO 与Linux休眠有关的必读文章 Hibernate feature in Linux Simple Hibernate with Arch Linux Hibernate laptop on lid close with systemd-boot on Arch Linux P...
HandleLidSwitchDocked=ignore Entering the above command is vital if you intend to disable auto-suspend on a laptop. Otherwise, the systemd-logind daemon will attempt to callsleep.targethundreds of times per second when the lid is closed. While it might be a hassle to adjustlogind.conf, it ...
vvv doing nothing after lid closed modify /etc/systemd/logind.conf > HandleLidSwitch=ignore systemctl restart systemd-logind.service debian disable auto-sleep vi /etc/gdm3/greeter.dconf-defaults systemctl mask sleep.target suspend.target hibernate.target hybrid-sleep.target ...
I had the wake machine on lid open setting turned off. No luck with it turned on. This issue also occurs when I close the lid, but it doesn't occur consistently, which is what makes it even more confusing. Over the past few days, I've noticed that its ...
HandleLidSwitchDocked=ignore Edit The Config Files To Disable Laptop Suspends On Closing The Lid Now, save and exit out of the file by pressingEscape keyand then:wqif you used vim editor and press Ctrl+O and Ctrl+X to exit thenano editor. Now, reboot your PC for changes to take effect...
On 4.14.134, the aml debug output ACPI Debug: "_L17" appears twice according to LID close/open. On 4.19.66 or newer, the aml debug output only appears once. I actually opened the LID before pressing power button, but the aml debug output appears after power button release. logs enable...
As a note - if on this platform you're seeing an issue where it wakes when you suspend and then close the lid; or connect/disconnect the power - this is a known issue with the qualcomm wifi chip that is being worked on (waiting on FW to be delivered upstream). ...