下载Docker Desktop Stable 或更高版本。 安装Windows 10 版本 1903 或更高版本。 在Windows 上启用 WSL 2 功能。 参考文献 1、Windows Subsystem for Linux Installation Guide for Windows 10 2、Docker Desktop WSL 2 backend
Installation of the NVIDIA Accelerated Graphics Driver for Linux-x86_64 (version: 430.40) is now complete. OK 9)在命令行中输入 nvidia-smi 如出现以下画面,即证明已正确安装一半。 10)重启电脑 reboot 11) 接着在命令行中输入 nvidia-settings 出现以下界面,代表显卡安装完全正确。 然后整个电脑桌面会...
WSL2安装[官网文档] https://docs.microsoft.com/zh-cn/windows/wsl/install-win10#simplified-installation-for-windows-insiders [WIN10 配置wsl2的开发环境] https://www.jianshu.com/p/a8e092622045 简书安装…
方法/步骤 1 打开功能支持 WSL以管理员权限打开 PowerShell 终端,执行以下指令Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux开启 Linux 子系统支持的功能。也可以在图形界面下,点击“添加服务器功能” 中勾选相应功能。2 初次开启此功能,会涉及到重启操作系统。PS> Enable-Win...
Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux 1.2方式二:控制面板->程序->启用或关闭windows功能->找到适用于Linux的Windows子系统勾选,确定后需要重启电脑生效。 方式一:微软商店安装centos 微软商店的centos均需要收费,放弃。
Install Windows. Follow the installation instructions for the Windows operating system you want to install on your computer. The installation process assists you with creating the appropriate partitions on your computer. Examples of Linux Partition Tables ...
Windows Hyper-V VirtualBox VMwareYou will need to check the hardware requirements for your chosen hypervisor. Once the hypervisor is enabled or installed, you will need to choose the type of OS that you want to install and the installation source (this is typically a .iso or .vhdx file)....
Windows Server 2022now supports a simple WSL installation using the command: Bash wsl --install You can now install everything you need to run WSL on Windows Server 2022 by entering this command in anadministratorPowerShell or Windows Command Prompt and then restarting your machine. ...
Linux自带的输入法不是太好用,而且正常在Windows系统里面使用的是搜狗输入法,并且搜狗输入法发行了Linux版本,故没有任何理由不在Linux系统上安装一个 搜狗输入法。 1)下载搜狗输入法(注意32位和64位) https://pinyin.sogou.com/linux/?r=pinyin 2)按键Ctr+Alt+T打开终端,输入以下命令切换到下载文件夹: ...