条件语句 if (expression) { statement; statement; ... ... } if (expression) { statement; } else { statement2; } if (expression) { statement1; } else if (expression1) { statement2; } else { statement3; } 循环语句 C语言:while、do/while、for、break、continue Examples: 一.命令行方式...
/bin/bash3#testing a bad command4ifIamNotaCommand5then6echo"it worked"7fi89echo"we are outside thie if statement"10$chmoda+xif-then2.sh11$ ./if-then2.sh12./if-then2.sh: line3: IamNotaCommand: command not found13we are outside thieifstatement14$ 在这个例子中,我们在if语句行故意...
FastCGI(Fast Common Gateway Interface)是CGI的改良版,CGI是通过启用一个解释器进程来处理每个请求,耗时且耗资源,而FastCGI则是通过master-worker形式来处理每个请求,即启动一个master主进程,然后根据配置启动几个worker进程,当请求进来时,master会从worker进程中选择一个去处理请求,这样就避免了重复的生成和杀死进程带来...
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$ gawk '{if($1 == 3) print $1" == 3 "; else print $1,"!= 3"}' data4 22.4.2 while 语句 基本格式: while (condition) { statement } while里面还可以放break和continue。用起来跟C语言一样 例子: xcy@xcy-virtual-machine:~/shell/22zhang$ cat data5 100 110 120 170 180 190 300 ...
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-e :实现多个选项间的逻辑or 关系 -E:扩展的正则表达式 -f FILE:从FILE获取PATTERN匹配 -F :相当于fgrep -i --ignore-case #忽略字符大小写的差别。 -n:显示匹配的行号 -o:仅显示匹配到的字符串 -q:静默模式,不输出任何信息 -s:不显示错误信息。
Simple if statement: Syntax: if [ condition ] then action fi Example: read a name from the user read -p "enter your name :" name if [ $name = "Sunny" ] then echo "Your name is Sunny" fi Note that the instruction a=b is an assignement and a = b is a comparison instruction...