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For both directives, if the condition following the “if statement” is false, the preprocessor does not pass any of the program text between the #if and the next #endif to the compiler. If you plan to look at any C code, you’d better get used to this. 条件语句。你可以使用#ifdef、...
In this section, we'll see couple of examples of the 'if/elif/else' statement.Exampe #1:#!/bin/bash # b.sh if [ "$#" -gt 0 ] then echo "There are $# args!" fi if [ "$1" = "arg1" ] then echo "argument 1 is $1" fi Output:...
精心整理了生物信息学中常用的Linux命令,很不容易。所有命令的用法都经本人亲自测试。掌握这些命令,是每一个生信人基本的自我修养。 man - 获得帮助 代码语言:javascript 复制 man ls # 许多Linux自带命令可以通过man查看使用帮助 ls--help # 有些程序可以通过-h,--help查看使用帮助 ...
131 ie a "while" in a do-statement or an "else" in an if-statement, like 132 this: 133 134 do { 135 body of do-loop 136 } while (condition); 137 138 and 139 140 if (x == y) { 141 .. 142 } else if (x > y) { 143 ... 144 } else { 145 ... 146 } 147 148...
Open a web browser and go toService Fabric Explorer(http://localhost:19080/Explorer). When the cluster starts, you see the Service Fabric Explorer dashboard. It might take several minutes for the cluster to be completely set up. If your browser fails to open the URL or if Service Fabric ...
Such as control structures (for-loops, if-else statements, etc) exist in GLSL, including the switch statement.High Level Shading Language(HLSL) is the High Level Shading Language for DirectX. Using HLSL, the user can create C-like programmable shaders for the Direct3D pipeline. HLSL was ...
If the count is greater than or equal to (-ge) 1, we’ll check the nestedifcondition If the count is equal to 1, we’ll print the statement under the nestedif If the count isn’t equal to 1, we’ll check theelifcondition
Simple if statement: Syntax: if [ condition ] then action fi Example: read a name from the user read -p "enter your name :" name if [ $name = "Sunny" ] then echo "Your name is Sunny" fi Note that the instruction a=b is an assignement and a = b is a comparison instruction...