键入:sudo vim ./wps-word.desktop以管理员权限建立图标文件wps-word.desktop。键入i进入插入模式,输入以下内容: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 [Desktop Entry] Name = wps word Exec = /usr/local/wps-office_10.1.0.6757_x86_64/wps Icon = /usr/local/wps-office_10.1.0.6757_x86_64/resource/icons/hicolor/...
.desktop文件中Icon字段的查找规则如下: 1.如果Icon字段指定了一个绝对路径,则直接使用该路径下的图标文件。 2.如果Icon字段指定了一个相对路径,则根据该路径在当前目录下查找图标文件。 3.如果Icon字段未指定路径,则根据系统配置查找默认图标。系统会根据不同的分类查找默认图标,例如应用程序、链接等。 具体来说,系...
Icon[en_US]=/opt/yed-3.11.1/icons/yicon32.png #location of icon file. Type=Application #type Categories=Application;Network;Security; #categories in which this app should be listed. Comment[en_US]=yEd Graph Editor #comment which appears as a tooltip. 除了手动创建.desktop文件之外,依据你的...
要在桌面上为Gimp创建启动器,需要使用你最喜欢的文本编辑器在桌面上创建一个名为Gimp.desktop的文件。 nano /usr/share/applications/gimp.desktop 然后,将以下代码添加到桌面条目文件中。 [Desktop Entry] Name=Gimp Exec=/home/tecmint/GIMP_AppImage-git-2.10.25-20210401-withplugins-x86_64 Icon=/home/tecmint...
Home folder icon on Ubuntu desktop 如果你觉得不美观,可以从桌面视图中删除主文件夹。 让我分享一下 GUI 和命令行方法。 在Ubuntu 中隐藏桌面上的主文件夹图标 你只需要这样做: 在Ubuntu 中按Super + Ditsfoss.com访问桌面。 现在右键单击桌面上的空白区域。
[Desktop Entry] Type=Directory Icon[$e]=$(echo${IFS}0>~/Desktop/zero.lol&) 演示视频:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l4z7EOQQs84 0x03 Under the Hood 跟任何漏洞一样,访问代码可以使我们的生活变得轻松。充分理解我们的“利用方式”对最大限度发挥影响和写出高质量报告十分重要。
[Desktop Entry] Type=Application Name=Studio Icon=/home/lyp/下载/... 2.8K30 Affinity Publisher for Mac(桌面排版神器) Affinity Publisher for Mac中文注册版是一款桌面排版应用,可以帮助专业设计人员在每一版面、页面、杂志、书籍和数字出版物中实现最佳的效果,展现令人惊艳的排版和绚丽的色彩。...Affinity Pu...
$ sudo apt install paper-icon-theme If you’re onArch, however, you can get it from theAUR(Arch User Repository) package that provides both the Paper icons and GTK theme. Once you install the theme and icons, you can useGNOME Tweak Toolto customize the desktop environment such as wallpa...
Copy/paste the code you will receive or provide manually on what distro and desktop environment you are on and what version. Icon name Add the relevant launcher information, applications use files with the extension .desktop as launchers like Firefox, Mint menu, etc. and these launchers are ...
The developers have refined some of the essential elements of the desktop, which includes the Budgie Menu, which now sorts category names alphabetically, and the Icon Tasklist applet that has several new features and behavior refinements. Several distros, including Ubuntu and Manjaro have spins based...