{ string name =getUserName(); cout <<"Hello World!"<< name << endl; return0; } 编译运行
get remote-file local-file 这里是一个完整的get命令示例: get -P 8080 -U username -P password remote-file local-file 在这个示例中,我们指定了远程服务器的端口号为8080,登录FTP服务器的用户名为username,密码为password,要下载的远程文件为remote-file,下载后保存的本地文件名为local-file。 对于get命令,...
Username (magesh):Username of created user. Characters length should be between 1 to 32. Password (x):It indicates that encrypted password is stored at /etc/shadow file. User ID (UID-502):It indicates the user ID (UID) each user should be contain unique UID. UID (0-Zero) is reserved...
If you were to use the who command to get the username only, you'd have to make some changes. Here, I usedthe awk commandto print only the username removing all the other additional information: who | awk '{print $1}' Using the who command in the bash script To use the who comman...
necessary to find your ID when you give access to other people. In this case, a single pc has multiple accounts from which the users logged in. Another case might occur if the user is connected remotely on a server and needs a quick response to get details of the logged-in username. ...
cd ~username:进入指定用户的家目录 cd - :在当前目录和前一次所在的目录来回切换 cd ..:切换至其父目录 3、printenv: 显示当前环境变量信息 4、时间管理 date:显示系统时间 clock:显示硬件时间 hwclock -W:把系统时间同步到硬件时间 hwclock -s:把硬件时间同步到系统时间 ...
username= 儲存體帳戶名稱 NTLMv2 驗證的必要專案。 password= 儲存體帳戶主要金鑰 NTLMv2 驗證的必要專案。 password2= 儲存體帳戶次要金鑰 建議在不需要停機金鑰輪替的情況下使用。 mfsymlinks n/a 建議使用。 強制掛接支援符號連結,讓 Git 之類的應用程式使用符號連結複製存放庫。 actimeo= 30-60 建議使用。
lastlog –u %username% 有关指定用户上次登录的信息 lastlog |grep -v "Never" 以前登录用户的完 /etc/passwd文件内显示了所有系统用户,在系统中被使用的用户可以在/home中找到 用户权限信息 whoami 当前用户名 id 当前用户信息 cat /etc/sudoers 谁被允许以root身份执行 ...
o Configuration files that the system libraries access to get server and user information o Server programs (sometimes called daemons) that run when the system boots o Configuration utilities that can be used to tweak the server programs and configuration files o Administration utilities ...
Let's force it to map the ownership with UID instead of username: ls -lhn $(which sleep) -rwxr-xr-x 1 0 0 39K Mar 6 2020 /usr/bin/sleep Here's fun information. Your operating system doesn't understand "usernames". Whenever a program needs to work with usernames or needs to pri...