This article will show you useful ways to find information about users on a Linux system. Here we’ll describe commands to get a user’s account details, show login details as well what users are doing on the system. If you want to add or create users in Linux, use theuseradd command...
In this tutorial, we will discuss all these methods in detail. This is one of the basic commands that help the administrator to find information about a user in Linux. Remember that everything is stored in a file on Linux, so be careful when handling the configuration file. ...
将目前目录其其下子目录中所有一般文件列出 #find . -typef Shell 将目前目录及其子目录下所有最近 20 天内更新过的文件列出 #find . -ctime -20 Shell 查找/var/log目录中更改时间在7日以前的普通文件,并在删除之前询问它们: #find /var/log -typef -mtime +7 -okrm{} \; Shell 查找前目录中文件属...
find [搜索范围] -user [username] 查找所有者为username的文件 find [搜索范围] -group [groupname] 查找所属组为groupname的文件 find [搜索范围] -cmin -5 查找5分钟内被修改过属性的文件和目录change find [搜索范围] -amin 访问时间access find [搜索范围] -mmin 文件内容modify find /etc -size +16...
6、find命令注意事项 (1)根据文件名搜索:find /etc/ -name *init??? 注释:*号表示匹配任意的字符,?表示匹配单个字符。Linux中大小写是严格区分的,-iname表示不区分大小写。 (2)根据文件大小搜索:find /etc/ -size +2M (3)根据所有者查找:find /root –user root。
fg:find 路径 -pern 755 -perm /mode : 三位匹配一位就可以 -perm -mode:文件权限能完全包含此mode才可以显示 执行动作: -print:默认的,显示 -ls:类似ls -l的形式显示匹配到的每个文件的详细信息 -ok COMMAND {} ;每个操作需要用户确认 执行命令,必须以;结尾。 {}代表匹配到的文件。
How to Find Current User Account in Linux The easiest way to find the current user is to open a terminal that will show the username and hostname. Confused? Let me show you: Another way is touse the $USER environment variable.
find ~ -user "root" # ~表示当前用户家目录,搜索属于用户 'root' 的文件和目录 find /etc/systemd -type f -atime +100 # 从'/etc/systemd'开始,搜索在过去100天内未被使用过的执行文件 find /home/moluo/Desktop/ -type f -mtime -10 # 从'/home/moluo/Desktop'开始,搜索在10天内被创建或修改...
vma = find_vma(mm, addr); #ifdef CONFIG_MMU while (vma) { next = vma->vm_next; // 检查地址是否匹配,并且 vma 与 shm 相关 if ((vma->vm_ops == &shm_vm_ops) && (vma->vm_start - addr)/PAGE_SIZE == vma->vm_pgoff) { ...
change because it sets all permission bits at once. To understand how this works, you need to know how to represent the permission bits in octal form (each numeral represents a number in base 8 and corresponds to a permission set). See the chmod(1) manual page or info manual for more....