You may find yourself in a situation where you need to know the exact Linux kernel version used on your system. You can easily find that out thanks to the powerful Linux command line. How do I find the Linux kernel version? You can use the following command to get the Linux kernel vers...
apt-get首先会从软件仓库中下载deb安装包,这些deb安装在/var/cache/apt/archives目录下; 下载后,apt-get会自动安装软件包 一条命令安装多个软件包 apt-get install 可以一次性安装多个软件包,比如 $ sudo apt-get install wireshark nmap aircrack-ng $ apt-get upgrade apt-get upgrade命令用来升级系统上可以升...
#stderr 重定向到 file$command2>file#stderr 追加到 file 文件末$command2>>file#将 stdout 和 stderr 合并后重定向到 file$command> file 2>&1 或 $command>> file 2>&1#stdin 和 stdout 都重定向。command命令将 stdin 重定向到 file1,将 stdout 重定向到 file2。$command< file1 >file2 (4)H...
# 强制退出i# insertesc# to command mode:w# save ,有:的命令叫ex command# moveh, j, k, l ctrl-f/b numberG gg# 第一个字符G last line of the file0(zero) 行首 ^ To the first non-whitespace character on the current line.$endof current line w beginning ofnextwordorpunctuation W ig...
【Linux】《The Command Line Handbook》 读书笔记(上半部分) 前言 这篇博客介绍的命令确实比较多,并且受到平台字数影响,拆分为上下两个部分。 与其说是读书笔记,实际上更像是学学英语顺带学学Linux命令。这本书是通过每天挤一点时间边看边学边敲完成的,每天日常翻翻所以顺序和原始博客网站不一样。 个人起初看...
# command[arg][path]# 名令可选的参数选项(可选)文件或目录(可选)rm-rf/tmp/test.txt # 名令和参数、参数和要操作的文件或目录之间必须有至少一个空格 2. 退出登陆状态 exit logout crtl + d 3. 终端 每次打开一个命令行窗口,都是开启一个新的终端,包括远程连接的窗口,使用tty命令来查看当前窗口的终...
$ getconf LONG_BIT64 For more details refer the man pages. $ man getconf 4. arch Command archcommand will display your OS type. This command is similar touname -mcommand. If its output isx86_64then it’s 64-bit OS. If the output isi686or i386, then it’s 32-bit OS. ...
any software or hardware system that you want to install. The Linux command line contains several built-in commands that help you become familiar with the software and hardware platform you are working on. This tutorial will teach you how to use these commands to get the sysinfo Linux details...
. It offers network configuration, log inspection, diagnostic reports, SELinux troubleshooting, interactive command-line sessions, and more. $ 特别要注意的是 Description 字段,它会告诉你更多关于应用程序的信息。Depends 字段说明还必须安装什么,而 Recommends 则显示建议安装的其他(如果有的话)合作组件。
The first line defines an ADMINS user alias with the two users, and the second line grants the privileges. The ALL = NOPASSWD: ALL part means that the users in the ADMINS alias can use sudo to execute commands as root. The second ALL means “any command.” The first ALL means “any...