Get the total size of current directory. The du command can be use to determine the total size of file in current directory. The example below show the du command use with -s (summarize) and -h (human readable format) option to summaries the size of disk space taken by current directory...
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on udev 3.9G 0 3.9G 0% /dev tmpfs 796M 2.3M 794M 1% /run /dev/sda1 50G 20G 28G 42% / tmpfs 3.9G 128K 3.9G 1% /dev/shm tmpfs 5.0M 4.0K 5.0M 1% /run/lock tmpfs 3.9G 0 3.9G 0% /sys/fs/cgroup /dev/sdb1 100G 50G 45G 52% /...
As you can see in Figure 4-1, if you want to access the data in a file, you need to get the appropriate partition location from the partition table and then search the filesystem database on that partition for the desired file data. 如图4-1所示,如果您想访问文件中的数据,您需要从分区...
Use the partprobe utility to make sure the kernel is aware of the new partition and filesystem. Failure to use partprobe can cause the blkid or lslbk commands to not return the UUID for the new filesystem immediately. Mount the disk Create a directory to mount the file system using mkdir...
getfacl命令用于查看文件的ACL权限规则,英文全称为:“get files ACL”,语法格式为:“ getfacl [参数] 文件名称”。 getfacl命令用于显示文件上设置的ACL信息,格式为“getfacl 文件名称”。Linux系统中的命令就是这么又可爱又好记。想要设置ACL,用的是setfacl命令;要想查看ACL,则用的是getfacl命令。下面使用getfac...
由于Linux是一个多用户管理的操作系统,而Linux默认情况下并不限制每个用户使用磁盘空间的大小,假如某个用户疏忽或者恶意占满磁盘空间,将导致系统磁盘无法写入甚至崩溃;为了保证系统磁 盘的有足够的剩余空间,我们需要对用户和组进行磁盘空间使用限制。 磁盘配额限制类型: ⦁ 限制用户和组,对磁盘空间的使用量 ⦁ 限制...
Find files named core in or below the directory /tmp and delete them. Note that this will work incorrectly if there are any filenames containing newlines, single or double quotes, or spaces. find /tmp -name core -type f -print0 | xargs -0 /bin/rm -f ...
Find files named coreinor below the directory /tmp and delete them. Note that this will work incorrectlyifthere are any filenames containing newlines, single ordoublequotes, or spaces.find/tmp -name core -type f -print0 |xargs-0/bin/rm-f ...
Collectively to check the highest file or directories, I already briefed on postHighest size files in the mount point.Let’s see how we can get directory’s collective size in one go. We will be using disk usage commandduand below of its options : ...
It defines the hierarchical structure of directories and files, as we as the rules for accessing and managing them. At the top of the hierarchy is the root directory (/): No other directories can be created above it. Under / there are subdirectories like bin, etc, home, usr, and so ...