pid_t pid=getpid(); printf("pid of this process:%d\n", pid); getNameByPid(pid, task_name);/*strcpy(task_name, argv[0]+2); printf("task name is %s\n", task_name); getPidByName(task_name);*/printf("getNameByPid:%s\n", task_name); getPidByName(&pid, task_name); printf(...
sscanf(buf, "%*s %s", task_name); void main(int argc, char** argv) char task_name50; pid_t pid = getpid(); printf("pid of this process:%d\n", pid); getNameByPid(pid, task_name); /* strcpy(task_name, argv0+2); printf("task name is %s\n", task_name); getPidByName(...
ret=get_pid_by_name(process, pid, MAX_PID_NUM); printf("process '%s' is existed? (%d): %c\n", process, ret, (ret >0)?'y':'n');for(n=0;n<ret;n++){ printf("%u\n", pid[n]); }returnret; } Makefile: 1PROG=check_process2OBJS=process.o main.o3#CFLAGS = -g -ggdb4...
javac GetProcessPID.javajavaGetProcessPID 1. 2. 如果Java进程正在运行,该程序将输出Java进程的PID: PID of process 'java': 1234 1. 关系图 下面用mermaid语法中的erDiagram标识出获取Linux进程PID的过程: erDiagram PROCESS --> RUNTIME PROCESS --> INPUTSTREAM INPUTSTREAM --> BUFFEREDREADER BUFFEREDREAD...
1: Unable to get pid of LinuxThreads manager thread 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 使用jmap命令尝试了一下,也是一样的错误。 换了一种启动方式,使用/bin/sh启动docker,然后进入docker手动启动java进程,然后再用jstack命令,就能正常打印。 换了一个centos镜像,手动安装openjdk,在启动docker的时候直接启动ja...
but there are many more ways to get online help. If you’re just looking for a certain option for a command, try entering a command name followed by --help or -h (the option varies from command to command). You may get a deluge (as in the case of ls --help), or you may find...
Python 技术篇-通过进程名获取进程pid实例演示,使用psutil库获取进程id psutil.process_iter() 方法可以返回进程列表信息,再通过匹配名称,获取进程的 pid 即可。...import psutil def get_pid(name): ''' 作用:根据进程名获取进程pid ''' pids = psutil.process_iter ...
* p->real_parent->pid) */ /* Real parent process: */ struct task_struct __rcu *real_parent; /* Recipient of SIGCHLD, wait4() reports: */ struct task_struct __rcu *parent; /* * Children/sibling form the list of natural children: ...
-p <pid>:Profile events on existing Process ID (comma sperated list). 仅分析目标进程及其创建的线程。 -d <n>:界面的刷新周期,默认为2s,因为perf top默认每2s从mmap的内存区域读取一次性能数据。 -g:得到函数的调用关系图。 以下是-e指定的事件吧? cpu-clock:任务真正占用的处理器时间,单位为ms。CPUs...
首先,我们需要调用proc_pidinfo函数,并将PID、PROC_PIDTASKINFO常量和proc_taskinfo结构作为参数传递给它。然后我们只需从字段中获取值:pti_resident_size表示驻留内存,pti_virtual_size表示虚拟内存。 Windows上,当迭代NtQuerySystemInformation返回的内容时,信息存储在SYSTEM_PROCESS_INFORMATION结构字段中:WorkingSetSize...