In this guide, we discussed how to list all installed repositories in Linux from commandline. We also saw how to list the enabled repositories in Linux using the package manager and also using an external tool calledinix. Recommended Read: How To List Installed Packages That Belong To A Part...
我们可以将 Linux 系统安装盘放入光驱,然后将光驱挂载到 /mnt/cdrom 目录下,然后进入/mnt/cdrom/Packages目录,即可查看到需要 .rpm 文件,这些就是 RPM 包。 [root@ryan ~]#ls/mnt/cdrom CentOS_BuildTag isolinux RPM-GPG-KEY-CentOS-Debug-6EFI Packages RPM-GPG-KEY-CentOS-Security-6EULA RELEASE-NOTES-...
Redis不仅仅支持简单的key-value类型的数据,同时还提供list,set,zset,hash等数据结构的存储。 3、支持数据备份 Redis支持数据的备份,即master-slave模式的数据备份。 三、Linux上安装Redis 第一步:下载redis 第二步:使用Xftp工具上传redis-5.0.2.tar.gz到linux系统。 第三步:解压redis-5.0.2.tar.gz...
Show other packages that depend on a given package (reverse dependency) rpm -q -whatrequires [args] apt-cache rdepends Package File Information Get information about a package file rpm -qpi package.rpm dpkg --info package.deb List files in a package file rpm -qpl package.rpm dpkg --content...
$ apt list --installed 在Debian、Ubuntu 中使用 apt 命令显示已安装的包 显示基于 Debian 的系统中已安装软件包的总数,将apt命令的输出通过管道传输到wc命令,如下所示: 代码语言:txt 复制 $ apt list --installed | wc -l 2575 在Debian、Ubuntu 中使用 dpkg 命令 ...
0 How do I get a list of all installed packages in debian or ubuntu 0 How to find all installed applications 0 Get list of installed applications in Ubuntu via apt 2 How to view all installed packages in terminal (Ubuntu) 1 List manually installed apt packages on Debian 10 (Buster...
To visualize the list of installed packages, we use the following command ~# dpkg-query-W To visualize an installed package whose name isscilabfor example, we use the previous command and a redirection (or pipeline) to the ‘grep’ command. Practically, we have: ...
Once your package list is updated, you might want to upgrade the packages you’ve installed. This can be done using thesudo apt-get upgradecommand. Let’s see it in action: sudoapt-getupgrade# Output:# Reading package lists... Done# Building dependency tree# Reading state information... ...
Install Reason : Explicitly installed Install Script : No Validated By : Signature apt-cache 命令:在 Debian/Ubuntu/Mint 系统上查看包信息 apt-cache命令能显示 apt 内部数据库中的大量信息。这些信息是从sources.list中的不同的软件源中搜集而来,因此从某种意义上这些信息也可以被认为是某种缓存。这些信息搜集...
注意:在 Windows 中,可以使用SetInterfaceDnsSettings - Win32 apps | Microsoft Learn配置补充 DNS 后缀,带有标记“DNS_SETTING_SUPPLEMENTAL_SEARCH_LIST 在“设置”参数中设置” 在WSL 中排查 DNS 问题 当WSL 在 NAT 模式下启动容器时的默认 DNS 配置是让 Windows 主机上的 NAT 设备充当 WSL 容器的 DNS“服务...