Extract filename from a path, for example MyFilename="/path/to/my/some_file.mp4" echo "${MyFilename##*/}" Results in: some_file.mp4 The magic is to be found in "##*/" Extract file extension MyFilename="/path/to/my/some_file.mp4" echo "${MyFilename#*.}" ...
For multiples extensions files: nsoualem@gold: ->FILE=archive.tar.gz nsoualem@gold: ->echo${FILE%%.*}archive nsoualem@gold: ->echo${FILE%.*}archive.tar nsoualem@gold: ->echo${FILE#*.}tar.gz nsoualem@gold: ->echo${FILE##*.}gz...
SET1 [SET2] 转换和删除字符 -c –C --complement 取字符集的补集 -d --delete 删除SET1的字符 -s --squeeze-repeats 把连续重复的字符以单独一个字符表示 -t --truncate-set1 将SET1转化为SET2 tr -d a < filename 删除文件filename标准输出中的a tr -s '\n' < filename 删除文件filename标准...
Extension exclusion configured successfully Bash mdatp exclusion extension remove --name .txt 控制台 Extension exclusion removed successfully 如果添加或删除全局范围) 的排除项, (文件路径的添加/删除排除项应已存在: Bash mdatp exclusion file add --path /var/log/dummy.log --scope epp ...
{ "$type":"excludedFileExtension", "extension":"pdf" }, { "$type":"excludedFileName", "name":"cat" } ], "allowedThreats":[ "<EXAMPLE DO NOT USE>EICAR-Test-File (not a virus)" ], "disallowedThreatActions":[ "allow", "restore" ], "threatTypeSettingsMergePolicy":"merge", "...
refresh 输出后刷新文件 我的具体配置此处我这里的参数配置是:将该scss/.scss文件编译的css文件放到css文件夹 也就是说,在scss目录新建...scss文件,然后ws会自动编译到css/.css。...--style compressed $FileName$ $FileParentDir$\css\$FileNameWithoutExtension$.css 此处我这里的参数配置是:将该scss文件编译...
vgextend <VG_NAME> /dev/hdaN # extend VG to another partition lvm resize (umount lvm first) e2fsck -f /dev/vg0/LogVol00 # fsck on the filesystem lvextend -L +100M /dev/vg0/lvXXX lvreduce --size -100M /dev/vg0/lvX (!! data on reduced part will get lost !!)e2...
--egd-file<file> EGD socket pathforrandom data--engine <name>Crypto engine to use--etag-save <file>Get an ETag from response header and save it to a FILE--etag-compare <file> Get an ETag from afileand send a conditional request--expect100-timeout <seconds> Howlongtowaitfor100-continue...
getfacl [OPTIONS] FILENAME 其中,FILENAME是要获取ACL的文件或目录的名称。 3. 常用选项: -R, –recursive:递归获取所有子目录和文件的ACL。 -L, –logical:如果指定文件是一个符号链接,则读取符号链接所指向的文件的ACL,而不是符号链接本身。 -P, –physical:直接读取符号链接的ACL,而不是符号链接所指向的...
{.} is the same, without the file extension. See below for more details on the placeholder syntax. The terminal output of commands run from parallel threads using -x will not be interlaced or garbled, so fd -x can be used to rudimentarily parallelize a task run over many files. An ...