#!/bin/bash # 指定要清理的目录 TARGET_DIR="/path/to/directory" # 查找并删除所有0字节文件 find "$TARGET_DIR" -type f -size 0 -delete echo "已删除目录 $TARGET_DIR 下的所有0字节文件。" 使用步骤: 将上述脚本保存为delete_zero_byte_files.sh。 修改TARGET_DIR变量为目标目录路径。 赋予执行权...
In the above command, most probably you will get to see only the ZERO byte files ( empty files ). So, you can use the following command to list the smaller files other than the ZERO byte files. # find . -not -empty -type f -exec ls -s {} \; | sort -n | head -5 1. 11...
mm_forbids_zeropage(vma->vm_mm)) { //生成特殊的页表项,映射到专用的零页 entry = pte_mkspecial(pfn_pte(my_zero_pfn(vmf->address), vma->vm_page_prot)); //在直接页表当中查找虚拟地址对应的表项,并且锁住页表 vmf->pte = pte_offset_map_lock(vma->vm_mm, vmf->pmd, vmf->address, &...
1、find /etc -name init 2、find /etc -iname init 3、find /etc -name *init 4、find /etc -name init??? 1. 2. 3. 4. 二、根据 文件大小 搜索 eg:在根目录下查找大于100M的文件 find / -size +100M -size [+|-]#UNIT 常用单位:k, M, G,c(byte),注意大小写敏感 #UNIT: (#-1,...
find test -type f -size 0 -exec mv {} /tmp/zerobyte \; The -exec action allows find to perform any shell command on the files it encounters. You will see many more examples of its use later in this article. The curly brackets allow each of the empty files to be moved. ...
[root@localhost~]# ddif=/dev/zero of=/etc/ceshi.txt bs=1024count=1031#创建一个大于1M的文件在/etc/目录下1031+0recordsin1031+0recordsout1055744bytes(1.1MB)copied,0.0312514s,33.8MB/s#find的用法,只搜索1级目录[root@localhost~]# find/etc/-mindepth1-maxdepth1-type f-size+1M#可以找到/etc...
find ./ -type f -print0| xargs -0 md5sum >> md5_rc1.txt 后一种是适用于文件名含有空格的文件。通常xargs用于隔断文件是默认为:空格、TAB、换行符等,-print0则是以NULL隔断文件,xargs -0 就是以NULL来区分文件隔断。 20、whoami : 查看当前命令行终端用户 ...
(bit) = find_next_bit((addr), (size), (bit) + 1))#define for_each_clear_bit(bit, addr, size) \for ((bit) = find_first_zero_bit((addr), (size)); \(bit) < (size); \(bit) = find_next_zero_bit((addr), (size), (bit) + 1))#define for_each_clear_bit_from(bit, ...
For example, network interfaces don’t have device files. It is theoretically possible to interact with a network interface using a single character device, but because it would be exceptionally difficult, the kernel uses other I/O interfaces 注意 并非所有设备都有设备文件,因为块设备和字符设备的I...
Each time we write to the file, the filesystem driver will first check to see if there is an unfilled block already allocated to hold the data. If not it will find a free block and add a pointer to it in the inode and update it's accounting of the file size. Then it will fill ...