alias running_services='systemctl list-units --type=service --state=running' 保存文件中的更改并关闭它。从现在开始,使用“running_services”命令查看服务器上所有已加载、正在运行的服务的列表。 代码语言:javascript 复制 # running_services #use the Tab completion 此外,服务的一个重要方面是它们使用的端口。
-print:假设find指令的回传值为Ture,就将文件或目录名称列出到标准输出。格式为每列一个名称,每个名称前皆有“./”字符串; -print0:假设find指令的回传值为Ture,就将文件或目录名称列出到标准输出。格式为全部的名称皆在同一行; -printf<输出格式>:假设find指令的回传值为Ture,就将文件或目录名称列出到标准输出。
find . -prem 775 -print 不查找aaa下的文件 find . -path "./aa" -prune -0 -perm 775 -print find . -path "./aa" -prune -0 -path "./bb" -prune -o -perm 775 -print find . \( -path "./aaa" -o -path "./bbb" \) -prune -o -perm 775 -print 按类型查找 软连接 可以理...
that the service is running. If the service has an initialization (init) script installed, you can use the service command to start, stop, and check the status of the service. This command references a service by using its init script, which is stored in the /etc/init.d directory for ...
Find Your Pot of Career Gold & Save Up to 40% March 12, 2024 Bridging Design and Runtime Gaps: AsyncAPI in Event-Driven Architecture February 25, 2024 Implementing OpenTelemetry Natively in an Event Broker February 15, 2024 Innovation as a Catalyst in Telecommunications ...
16、Linux指令-find 查找文件树命令,用于在文件树中查找文件,并作出相应的处理。 命令格式:find pathname-options[-print-exex-ok...]命令参数: pathname:查找的目录路径 ~表示home目录 .表示当前目录 /表示根目录 -print:匹配的文件输出到标准输出 -exec:对匹配的文件执行该参数所给出的shell命令 ...
# running_services #use the Tab completion View All Running Services Find a Port a Process is Listening On Besides, an important aspect of services is the port they use. To determine the port a daemon process is listening on, you can use thenetstatorss commandas shown. ...
Ubuntu is the modern, open source operating system on Linux for the enterprise server, desktop, cloud, and IoT.
find /opt/ -name filename.txt 按拥有者:查找/opt目录下,用户名称为userbdc的文件。 find /opt/ -user userbdc 按文件大小:在/home目录下查找大于200m的文件(+n 大于 -n小于 n等于)。 find /home –size +204800 6.2 grep基本语法 grep 在文件内搜索字符串匹配的行并输出 ...
It sounds like the kernel parameters should be easy to find, except that the kernel is not yet running, so it can’t traverse a filesystem to find the necessary files. Worse, the kernel device drivers normally used to access the disk are also unavailable. Think of this as a kind of ...