I have directories with ACLs enabled. I want to find all the directories that have not set rxw for the group permissions. This is complicated by the fact that ls -l shows the ACL mask in the group permissions spot. If the mask is set to rxw, then find erroneously be...
可以使用find -name pattern(搜索文件目录名匹配pattern的文件和目录) -newer file (搜索修改时间在file之后的文件),我是新手,希望对你有帮助,呵呵
find . -name '*.java' -mtime 0 -print | xargs grep 'java.awt' 4、找出“C:\”下除了“C:\windows”文件夹之外的所有文件 find /cygdrive/c -path "/cygdrive/c/windows" -prune -o -print 5、找出上面文件中所有“.jar”结尾的文件 find /cygdrive/c -path "/cygdrive/c/windows" -prune -o...
(1) General Commands Manual FIND(1) NAME find - search for files in a directory hierarchy SYNOPSIS find [-H] [-L] [-P] [-D debugopts] [-Olevel] [starting-point...] [expression] DESCRIPTION This manual page documents the GNU version of find. GNU find searches the directory tree roo...
First error in my guess occurs due to find not going through all tree, second is due to find going and invoking exec twice for some/all? entries. I added -depth option later to be sure of "child" folder being renamed before "parent", but it did not help (and in my ...
Linux的终端上,没有windows的搜索那样好用的图形界面工具,但find命令确是很强大的。 比如按名字查找一个文件,可以用 find / -name targetfilename 。唉,如果只知道名字,不知道地点,这样也不失为一个野蛮有效的方法。 按时间查找也有参数 -atime 访问时间 -ctime 改变状态的时间 -mtime修改的时间。但要注意,这里...
今天说一说linux find 命令查找文件和文件夹[通俗易懂],希望能够帮助大家进步!!!...查找目录:find /(查找范围) -name '查找关键字' -type d 查找文件:find /(查找范围) -name 查找关键字 -print 详解: find命令用来在指定目录下查找文件。...任何位于参数之前...
find 命令格式 要使用一个命令,首先要了解命令的格式,知道要提供什么参数、参数作用是什么。 查看man find 对该命令的说明如下: find - search for files in a directory hierarchy. find [-H] [-L] [-P] [-D debugopts] [-Olevel] [path...] [expression] ...
find-files-directories-particular-folder-linux (3) 从目录中按文件名查找文件 要在特定目录中按名称...
1. Find Files Using Name 根据文件名查找 This is a basic usage of the find command. This example finds all files with name — MyCProgram.c in the current directory and all it’s sub-directories. 这个是Find命令最基本的操作,下面的例子是在当前目录和它所有子目录中查找MyCProgramm.c ...