find ./ -size 0 -exec rm {} \; 删除文件大小为零的文件 (还可以以这样做:rm -i `find ./ -size 0` 或 find ./ -size 0 | xargs rm -f &) 为了用ls -l命令列出所匹配到的文件,可以把ls -l命令放在find命令的-exec选项中:find . -type f -exec ls -l { } \; 在/logs目录中查找更...
If you are usingfindin an environment where security is important (for example if you are using it to search directories that are writable by other users), you should read the "Security Considerations" chapter of the findutils documentation, which is calledFinding Filesand comes with findutils....
find . -type f -exec grep -l 'alvin' {} \; This command can be read as, “Search all files in all sub-directories of the current directory for the string ‘alvin’, and print the filenames that contain this pattern.” It’s an extremely powerful approach for recursively searching fi...
alias rm100m="find / -type f -name *.tar -size +100M -exec rm -i {} \;" # alias rm1g="find / -type f -name *.tar -size +1G -exec rm -i {} \;" # alias rm2g="find / -type f -name *.tar -size +2G -exec rm -i {} \;" # alias rm5g="find / -type f -n...
There are several standard subdirectories in the root directory, such as /usr, as you’ll learn in 2.19 Linux Directory Hierarchy Essentials. Unix有一个从/开始的目录层次结构,有时称为根目录。 目录分隔符是斜杠(/),而不是反斜杠(\)。 根目录中有几个标准子目录,例如/usr,您将在2.19 Linux目录...
(theperl one will fail for file names ending in |). Recursive, regular files (including hidden ones) in this and all subdirectories find . -type f -exec sed -i 's/foo/bar/g' {} + 1. If you are using zsh: sed -i -- 's/foo/bar/g' **/*(D.) ...
Run find to find file in dir: 当你知道某个文件在某个目录树中,但是却不知道具体位置时,这真是令人沮丧。使用find命令在目录中查找文件: $ find dir -name file -print Like most programs in this section, find is capable of some fancy stuff. However, don’t try options such as -exec before ...
To display the largest folders/files including the sub-directories, run: # du -Sh | sort -rh | head -5 Find the Largest Folder and Subdirectories Find out the meaning of each option using in above command: ducommand: Estimate file space usage. ...
find /etc -name passwd -print This means “go look in the /etc directory and all its subdirectories” “match files named ‘passwd'” “print out each file you find” Here are the results: # find /etc -name passwd -print /etc/pam.d/passwd /etc/cron.daily/passwd /etc/passwd # The...
linux file command to locate these projects e.g. byfind -name pom.xml. This however takes some time because of the deep paths. I would like to usefind -pruneto stop searching in subdirectories when I already find the file, but prune only stops on matched directories not on ...