The output of the above command displays the number of disk blocks in the/home/tecmintdirectory along with its sub-directories. Find Disk Usage of Directory How to Find the Directory Size in Human Readable Format 2.By employing the'-h'option with the ‘du‘ command, you can obtain results ...
find / -type d -name directory ``` 通过这个命令,Linux系统会在根目录“/”下查找名为“directory”的所有目录,包括子目录。如果目录存在,系统会返回相应的目录路径;如果目录不存在,则不会有任何输出。 此外,find命令还支持一些其他参数,比如“-mtime”、“-size”等,可以根据创建时间或文件大小等条件来进行查找。
例如,要在当前目录下查找文件名为example.txt的文件,可以使用以下命令: find . -name example.txt 复制代码 使用grep命令: grep命令可以在文件内容中搜索指定的关键词。例如,要查找包含example.txt文件名的文件,可以使用以下命令: grep -r "example.txt" /path/to/directory 复制代码 通过以上方法,你可以在Linux系...
ThisDiskUsage command (du) displays how much disk space a directory is occupying. For example, to see how much data is in the “Downloads/” directory, type: duDownloads/ The output will look something like this: du 检查目录占用的时候,需要为参数末尾增加/,否则,将被当做文件而非目录进行计算...
1. To find out the disk usage summary of a /home/tecmint directory tree and each of its sub directories. Enter the command as: [root@tecmint]# du /home/tecmint 40 /home/tecmint/downloads 4 /home/tecmint/.mozilla/plugins 4 /home/tecmint/.mozilla/extensions ...
du -a→Shows disk usage for all files. du -sProvides the total disk space used by a particular file or directory. ls -al→Lists the entire contents, along with their size, of a particular directory. stat <file/directory>→Displays the size and other stats of a file/directory or a fil...
mount [options] <directory> mount <operation> <mountpoint> [<target>] device:指明要挂载的设备 设备文件:例如:/dev/sda5 卷标:-L 'LABEL', 例如 -L 'MYDATA' UUID: -U 'UUID':例如 -U '0c50523c-43f1-45e7-85c0-a126711d406e' 伪文件系统...
If you want to display the biggest directories in the current working directory, run: # du -a | sort -n -r | head -n 5 Find the Biggest Directories Only Let us break down the command and see what says each parameter. ducommand: Estimate file space usage. ...
Mount the disk Create a directory to mount the file system using mkdir. The following example creates a directory at /datadrive: Bash 複製 sudo mkdir /datadrive Use mount to then mount the filesystem. The following example mounts the /dev/sdc1 partition to the /datadrive mount point: ...
find:在目录树中查找文件。 find /path/to/search -name "file_name":在指定路径中查找文件。 find /path/to/search -type f -mtime +7:查找7天前修改的文件。 chmod:更改文件或目录的权限。 chmod 755 file_or_directory:设置文件或目录的权限为755(rwxr-xr-x)。