sudo apt-get install extundelete sudo extundelete –restore-directory /your/deleted/file/directory /dev/[你的设备文件] “` 你需要将”/your/deleted/file/directory”替换为实际被删除文件所在的目录。 5. 使用”photorec”工具恢复已删除的文件: “photorec”是一个跨平台的工具,可以从各种存储介质中恢复被...
Configuring extundelete0.2.4Writing generated files to disk [root@docking extundelete-0.2.4]# 最后make然后make install [root@docking extundelete-0.2.4]# make make-s all-recursive Making all in src 在函数‘ext2_ino_t find_inode(ext2_filsys, ext2_filsys, ext2_inode*, std:...
find . -type f -empty -delete 4.3 使用xargs命令 (Using thexargsCommand) xargs命令可以与find命令结合使用,以处理大量文件。例如,删除超过7天未访问的文件: find . -type f -atime +7 | xargs rm 5. 恢复删除的文件 (Recovering Deleted Files) 在Linux中,一旦文件被删除,恢复它们可能会变得非常困难。尽...
find . -type f -empty -delete 4.3 使用xargs命令 (Using thexargsCommand) xargs命令可以与find命令结合使用,以处理大量文件。例如,删除超过7天未访问的文件: find . -type f -atime +7 | xargs rm 5. 恢复删除的文件 (Recovering Deleted Files) 在Linux中,一旦文件被删除,恢复它们可能会变得非常困难。尽...
Configuring extundelete0.2.4configure:error: Can't find ext2fs library则使用yum -y install e2fsprogs e2fsprogs-devel来解决。 #Ubuntu的解决办法为sudo apt-getinstall e2fslibs-dev e2fslibs-dev 不出意外的话到这里应该configure能够顺利完成. [root@docking extundelete-0.2.4]# ./configureConfiguring extund...
Writing generated files to disk [root@docking extundelete-0.2.4]# 最后make然后 make install [root@docking extundelete-0.2.4]# make make -s all-recursive Making all in src 在函数‘ext2_ino_t find_inode(ext2_filsys, ext2_filsys, ext2_inode*, std::string, int)’中: ...
findmore informationinone of the files under /proc/net/. For file descriptors that have no corresponding inode (e.g., file descriptors produced by bpf(2), epoll_create(2), eventfd(2), inotify_init(2), perf_event_open(2), signalfd(2), timerfd_create(2), and ...
/bin/bash # 检查参数 if [ $# -ne 2 ]; then echo "Usage: $0 directory file_pattern" exit 1 fi DIRECTORY=$1 FILE_PATTERN=$2 # 查找并删除文件 find "$DIRECTORY" -type f -name "$FILE_PATTERN" -exec rm -f {} \; echo "Deleted all files matching $FILE_PATTERN in $DIRECTORY"...
使用find 命令来搜索删除的文件: find / -xdev \( -type d -name ".snapshot" -prune \) -o -type f -name "filename" -print 复制代码 将filename 替换为要搜索的文件名。该命令将在整个文件系统中搜索与给定文件名匹配的文件。 使用grep 命令来查找删除的文件记录: grep "deleted" /var/log/syslog...
Failed to restore file 1048579 Could not find correct inode number past inode 2. Try altering the filename to one of the entries listed below. File name | Inode number | Deleted status /usr/local/bin/extundelete: Operation not permitted while restoring directory. /usr/local/bin/extundelete: ...