find[-H][-L][-P][-Olevel][-Dhelp|tree|search|stat|rates|opt|exec][path...][expression]find pathname-options[-print-exec-ok...]find pathname-options[-print-exec-ok command]{}\;Usage:find[-H][-L][-P][-Olevel][-Dhelp|tree|search|stat|rates|opt|exec][path...][expression]def...
Usage: find [-H] [-L] [-P] [-Olevel] [-D help|tree|search|stat|rates|opt|exec] [path...] [expression] #使用的语法defaultpath is the current directory;defaultexpression is -print #默认是当前目录,默认采用的action是-print,如果有设置action,则默认会被覆盖 expression may consist of: oper...
find . # find all files, folders, symlinks, etc in the current directory recursively find . -name \*.php # find all files, folders, symlinks, etc in the current directory recursively # Its filename must end with .php find . -name \*.php -type f # find all files, folders, symlinks...
find ./ -size 0 -exec rm {} \; 删除文件大小为零的文件 (还可以以这样做:rm -i `find ./ -size 0` 或 find ./ -size 0 | xargs rm -f &) 为了用ls -l命令列出所匹配到的文件,可以把ls -l命令放在find命令的-exec选项中:find . -type f -exec ls -l { } \; 在/logs目录中查找更...
3. `find`:`find`命令用于在指定目录下搜索文件。用户可以通过使用不同的选项来限制搜索的范围和条件。例如,可以使用`find /path/to/directory -name filename`来搜索指定目录下名为filename的文件。 4. `which`:`which`命令用于查找可执行文件的路径。假设用户知道某个命令的名称,但不知道它的完整路径,可以使用...
To use the “find” command, you need to open a terminal and type the following syntax: find [path] [expression] –[path]: Specifies the starting directory for the search. If no path is provided, the search starts in the current directory. ...
find . -maxdepth 1 -name *.jpg -print -exec convert "{}" -resize 80x60 "thumbs/{}" \; batch resize files in the current directory and send them to a thumbnails directory (requires convert from Imagemagick) 文件搜索 find / -name file1 从 '/' 开始进入根文件系统搜索文件和目录 find ...
对于Windows程序 和Web 应用程序来说,他们运行的路径是不一样的,所以关键是判断当前运行的程序是哪种程序.于是我们可以使用如下的代码 string path = ""; ...if (System.Environment.CurrentDirectory == AppDomain.Cu...
Linux命令Find实例 1. Find Files Using Name in Current Directory Find all the files whose name istecmint.txtin a current working directory. # find . -name tecmint.txt./tecmint.txt 1. 2. Find Files Under Home Directory Find all the files under/homedirectory with nametecmint.txt....
#find . -type f -atime -30 -exec mv {} ../back ; 将当前目录下最近2小时到8小时之内的文件显示出来 #find . -mmin +120 -mmin -480 -exec more {} ; 删除修改时间在30天之前的所有文件 #find . -type f -mtime +30 -mtime -3600 -exec rm {} ; ...