nvidia-settings --display=:0 -a "[gpu:0]/GPUFanControlState=1" -a "[fan:0]/GPUTargetFanSpeed=<desired_speed>" 其中<desired_speed>为所需的风扇转速百分比。 编写脚本自动监控并调整GPU风扇转速(示例脚本): bash #!/bin/bash while true; do temp=$(nvidia-smi --query-gpu=...
如何在 Linux 中查看和控制 CPU 风扇转速:https://www.sysgeek.cn/linux-cpu-fan-speed/ sudo fancontrol 启动fancontrol.service: sudo systemctlstartfancontrol.service https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/678317704 或者安装个 GUI 版本? https://github.com/Maldela/fancontrol-gui...
– 运行命令sudo fancontrol,启动fancontrol服务 2. 使用ipmitool工具: – 首先,安装ipmitool工具:sudo apt-get install ipmitool – 运行命令sudo ipmitool sensor,查看风扇相关信息,例如:fan1_speed、fan2_speed等 – 运行命令sudo ipmitool raw 0x30 0x45 0x01 0x00,设置风扇转速为最高档 – 运行命令sudo ipmit...
MAXTEMP: The temperature (°C) at which to spin the fan at itsMAXIMUMspeed. This should be probably be set to perhaps 10 or 20 degrees (°C) below your CPU's critical/shutdown temperature. Setting it closer to MINTEMP will result in higher fan speeds overall. MINSTOP: The PWM value ...
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/RoversX/nvidia_fan_control_linux/main/nvidia_fan_control.py 4. 根据需要修改脚本 # 风扇曲线参数 temperature_points=[0,40,57,70]fan_speed_points=[27,40,80,100]# 休眠间隔以减少CPU活动 sleep_seconds=5 ...
我这里没有认出来,认出来也可以手动再修改配置文件/etc/fancontrol。 这是我的配置 $ cat /etc/fancontrol# ref. https://askubuntu.com/questions/1187812/cannot-configure-fan-speed-with-pwmconfig# system manager's manual: https://manpages.debian.org/bookworm/fancontrol/fancontrol.8.en.html# Checks...
输出当前温度和目标风扇速度,并将输出重定向到日志文件echo"$(date"$date_format")- GPU${gpuid}: Current temperature is${temp}C. Setting fan speed to${target}%.">>$log_file# 设置当前GPU的风扇速度nvidia-settings --display :1.0 -a"[gpu:${gpuid}]/GPUFanControlState=1"-a"[fan-${gpuid...
| Fan Control | | | | CPU Fan Speed: Auto | | Chassis Fan Speed: Standard | | Fan Mode: Performance | | | | [Save] [Cancel] | +---+ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 保存并退出BIOS 更改完设置后,确保保存更改。通常,...
" SPEED [[ -z $SPEED ]] && SPEED=85 echo $SPEED | sudo tee /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon2/pwm1 将上述代码保存为一个shell文件,如fancontrol.sh,并为其增加可执行权限:1 chmod a+x fancontrol.sh 然后复制到PATH下,如/bin下。使用方法:1 2 //最大转速 fancontrol.sh 255 ...
Yes i am use intel arc 770 on linux if i play the game the fan run auto but its not cooling the gpu i am not say we need intel arc control on linux because amd and nividia they dont have control too but we need update to let devlepoer to have control about fan speed on linux...