Linux Error: 32: Broken pipe 1. 第二次错误信息截图 在metalink上查到ID 550859.1,出现Linux Error: 32: Broken pipe这个错误的原因大概有下面一些因素导致: Cause: The error 32 indicates the communication has been broken while the listener is trying to hand off the client connection to the server ...
Linux Error: 32: Broken pipe 第二次错误信息截图 在metalink上查到ID 550859.1,出现Linux Error: 32: Broken pipe这个错误的原因大概有下面一些因素导致: Cause: The error 32 indicates the communication has been broken while the listener is trying to hand off the client connection to the server proces...
Below shows example error stack that can be found in the listener log. The last line in the error stack shows the actual operating system name. Depending on the OS, only the operating system name would be different. For example, if you encounter error 32: Broken pipe, according to the OS...
IBM/AIX RISC System/6000 Error: 32: Broken pipe Cause: The error 32 indicates the communication has been broken while the listener is trying to hand off the client connection to the server process or dispatcher process. Action: 1. One of reason would be processes parameter being low, and c...
TNS-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error TNS-00517: Lost contact Linux Error: 32: Broken pipe 第二次错误信息截图 在metalink上查到ID 550859.1,出现Linux Error: 32: Broken pipe这个错误的原因大概有下面一些因素导致: Cause: The error 32 indicates the communication has been broken while the listener is...
define EROFS 30 /* Read-only file system */ #define EMLINK 31 /* Too many links */ #define EPIPE 32
define EROFS 30 /* Read-only file system */ #define EMLINK 31 /* Too many links */ #define EPIPE 32
1、Linux 的依赖关系;2、Linux 的 mutilib 相关实现。我建议,编译 32 的程序请用纯 32 位系统。64 位系统只编译 64 位的程序。64 位系统只可以运行 32 位程序,不要用来编译。Linux 里面随便找个程序,就会依赖很多的函数库,这对于编译器调用来说,会很乱的。如果真的没有空闲机器去单独跑 ...
每次安装都会失败,日志里都有这么一条error,之前装成功过,后面系统弄坏了,重装总是失败 linS ---r-x 5 efi variables are not support this system 困境贤者 ---x--- 8 可能你这压根不支持EFI启动 不知起啥名字 ---x--- 8 看看U盘大小?一般建议u盘格式为fat32,大小小于等于32GB会比较少bug。
TNS-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error TNS-00517: Lost contact Linux Error: 32: Broken pipe 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 在网上看到listener.log日志文件大于2G时,也可能出现这个问题。所以有时候也需要排查“监听日志文件过大可能也是导致监听器自己服务宕掉”。