if [[ $1 = 'tomcat' ]]; then echo "Input is tomcat"else if [[ $1 = 'redis' ]] || [[ $1 = 'zookeeper' ]];then echo "Input is $1"else echo "Input Is Error."fi 2.执行脚本,看脚本是否正常执行 [oracle@standby ~]$ ./ts01.sh zookeeper./ts01.sh: line 12: syntax error...
在切换Linux超级用户身份到普通用户时,如果遇到"if: Expression Syntax"的错误,这通常意味着问题出在普通用户的bash初始化文件.bashrc或.bash_profile中。这两个文件位于普通用户的家目录下,它们是隐藏文件,当普通用户登录时会被bash解析,用于初始化用户的系统路径和环境变量。如果在这两个文件中添加了...
Cloud Studio代码运行 if[expression];then # 执行语句 elif # 执行语句else# 执行语句 fi 其中elif和else不是必须的,如果只需判断一次,那么if...fi即可。值得注意的是if后面中括号[]中的语句[的后面和]的前面必须要有空格。 下面通过判断大小和文件是否存在看一下判断语句的用法: 1.判断数值大小 代码语言:ja...
Note that the closing brace is empty on a line of its own,exceptin the cases where it is followed by a continuation of the same statement, ie a while in a do-statement or an else in an if-statement, like this: 注意右大括号'}'本身是空的,除非后面的语句是连续的,也就是说,在do......
else Command fi 别忘了这个结尾 If语句忘了结尾fi test.sh: line 14: syntax error: unexpected end of fi if 的三种条件表达式 if command then if 函数 then 命令执行成功,等于返回0 (比如grep ,找到匹配) 执行失败,返回非0 (grep,没找到匹配) ...
You can redirect the standard error if you like. For example, to send standard output to f and standard error to e, use the 2> syntax, like this: 你可以重定向标准错误。例如,要将标准输出发送到f,将标准错误发送到e,可以使用 2> 语法,像这样: ...
Naturally, this is not optimal. On top of this, involving more advanced shell features such as loops and conditions, we might end up with some complex syntax. 3. Conditional Statements As we’ve already seen, basicif–elsestatements conform to thePOSIXstandard: ...
else echo "remind: unknown command $COMMAND. Type 'remind' without any parameters to see syntax." fi return fi # Determine time of notification if [[ "$OP" == "in" ]]; then local TIME="now + $WHEN" elif [[ "$OP" == "at" ]]; then ...
Syntax: exit status-code File test options The -e option return true if a given file/directory exists. Script to test if a file exists in the current working directory: read -p "enter file name to test" name if [ -e $name ] echo "exists" else echo "does not exist" fi The ...
} if (c < ' ') break; /* 注释掉下面这个两行代码 */ /* if (c >= 0x7f) break; */ s++; } #if ENABLE_UNICODE_SUPPORT dst = unicode_conv_to_printable(stats, str); #else { char *d = dst = xstrdup(str); while (1) { unsigned char c = *d; if (c == '\0') break...