`echo' interprets the following backslash-escaped characters: \a alert (bell) \b backspace \c suppress further output \e escape character \f form feed \n new line \r carriage return \t horizontal tab \v vertical tab \\ backslash 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13...
1)echo显示字符串 //这个功能还真像c里面的printf 语句 普通字符串可以在echo后直接输入字符串,但这样当要输出某些字符如\时会有问题(这种写法的时候\是被当作继行符处理过滤掉的,要输出一个\必须打\\,跟c语言printf输出的要求相象),所以一般最好用'string' 或"string"的格式,这样即使是\也可以输出,方便直观。
大多数系统管理员用来诊断第3层问题的前线工具是ping实用程序。Ping向远程主机发送ICMP Echo请求数据包,并期望得到ICMP Echo回复。如果您与远程主机存在连接问题,ping是开始故障排除的常用实用程序。从命令行执行简单的ping命令会无限期地向远程主机发送ICMP回显;您需要按CTRL+C来结束ping命令,或者传递-c <num pings>标...
\c produce no further output \e escape \f form feed \n new line #换行 \r carriage return \t horizontal tab #水平tab键 \v vertical tab #垂直tab键 示例: echo"abce" echo -n’abcd’;echo ‘efg’ echo -e"hello\tworld" hello world echo -e"hello\nworld" hello world echo -e “hell...
#!/bin/sh echo -e "\e[3;12r\e[3H" Prints: -e \e[3;12r\e[3H This worked before! I guess some stty commands went terribly wrong and now it does not work anymore. Somebody suggested that my sh was actually just bash. shell escape-characters echo Share Improve this question Fol...
\e 指代Escape,对应八进制\033,对应十六进制\x1b 四、举例: 使用CentOS 6 的echo命令 1、$ echo -e "\033[1;31;42mMine is red \e[0m" 高亮绿底红字 2、$ echo -e "\033[4mm is red" 下划线显示,但没有关闭,下划线一直存在,直到遇到第3个示例 ...
序列ESC c 重置一个终端,当屏幕显示出现混乱时可以使用这个序列. 另一个序列 "echo ^V^O" 仅仅将G0设为当前字符集,但并不保证 G0 指向映射表 a). 有的Linux发行版中提供一个叫做reset(1)的程序用来送出序列 "echo ^[c". 如果你的系统终端变量没有错误( rs1=\Ec), 那么使用"tput reset"也可以达到同...
$ echo \H\e\l\l\o\ \"\W\a\l\t\e\r\l\v\" Hello "Walterlv" 参考资料 Escape Characters - Shell Scripting Tutorial How to enable linux support double backslashes “\” as the path delimiter - Stack Overflow shell - Backslash in Path - Unix & Linux Stack Exchange ...
-r Backslash does not act as an escape character. The backslash is considered to be part of the line. In particular, a backslash-newline pair may not be used as a line continuation. -s Silent mode. If input is coming from a terminal, characters are not echoed. ...
// 清除特殊字符+ (NSString *)cleanSpecialCharacters:(NSString *)text { NSString *strResult = nil;...= NSNotFound) { [originString deleteCharactersInRange:range2];// 删除range2代表的字符集 } 3.2K30 Linux---Shell脚本字符显示特殊颜色效果 ...