tps:该设备每秒的传输次数 kB_read/s:每秒从设备(drive expressed)读取的数据量; kB_wrtn/s:每秒向设备(drive expressed)写入的数据量; kB_read:读取的总数据量; kB_wrtn:写入的总数量数据量; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. ...
As with partitioning, you’ll do this in user space because a user-space process can directly access and manipulate a block device. The mkfs utility can create many kinds of filesystems. For example, you can create an ext4 partition on /dev/sdf2 with this command: 在完成4.1节中描述的磁...
The two points of access (sr and sg) for an optical drive from user space are illustrated for the Linux SCSI subsystem in Figure 3-3 (any drivers below the SCSI lower layer have been omitted). Process A reads from the drive using the sr driver, and process B writes to the drive wit...
This article explains how to get the full information on Linux disk space usage with the help of the ‘df‘ command with their practical examples. So, you could better understand the usage of thedf commandin Linux. 1. Check Linux Disk Space Usage The “df” command displays the information...
机械硬盘(HDD ):Hard Disk Drive ,即是传统普通硬盘,主要由:盘片,磁头,盘片转轴及控制电机,磁头控制器,数据转换器,接口,缓存等几个部分组成。机械硬盘中所有的盘片都装在一个旋转轴上,每张盘片之间是平行的,在每个盘片的存储面上有一个磁头,磁头与盘片之间的距离比头发丝的直径还小,所有的磁头联在一个磁头控制...
You now know the physical and logical structure of a Linux system, what the kernel is, and how to work with processes. This chapter will teach you ...
<Spacebar>、 (均称为右向键) 右向键的作用是将光标向右移动一个位置。若在向右键前先输入一个数字n,那么光标就向右移动n个位置。例如5l表示光标向右移动5个位置。需要注意的是,光标移动不能超过当前行的末尾。若给定的n超过光标当前位置至行尾的字符个数,如果用右向键,光标只能移到行尾;如果用<Spacebar>,...
Use gnome-disks to verify free space一句话警告 按照这个指南,应该不会丢失任何数据,但它确实会使用一些非常底层和强大的命令。一个错误可能会破坏硬盘上的所有数据。所以要先备份磁盘上的所有数据! 调整LVM 卷的大小 开始时,启动 Fedora 临场镜像并在对话框中选择 “Try Fedora”。接下来,使用 “Run Command”...
Warning: Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure. # mysql -uroot -p123456 lepus < lepus_data.sql Warning: Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure. 有警告提示,可以忽略,其中lepus 是数据库,lepus_table.sql是表的信息,lepus_data.sql 是表的数据,具...
On Linux, if a hard drive that is not added to a RAID array is removed, the Fault indicator is on by default. You can modify the indicator lightening policy in the ledmon.conf configuration file. Procedure Run the vi /etc/ledmon.conf command and press i to edit the configurat...