$ curl https://checkip.amazonaws.comOR$ wget -qO - icanhazip.com If you know more command-line methods to display the public IP address in Linux, please write them in the comment section.
The hostname command usually displays the hostname of your system. It can also be used to display the IP address of the host: hostname -I It will simply display the IP address of the host in the terminal. abhishek@linuxhandbook:~$ hostname -I Display IP address with nmcli...
The ip addr command displays addresses and their properties, adds new addresses and deletes old ones.ip address add adds a new protocol address:ip address add IFADDR dev NAMEdev NAME The name of the device to add the address to. local ADDRESS (Default.) the address of the interface. The...
3. 配置设备参数 在用户视图下,可以进行设备参数的配置,如配置管理IP、主机名、时钟等。以下是一些常用的配置命令示例: – 配置管理IP: “`shell [设备名称] [用户视图] interface <接口编号> [设备名称-接口<接口编号>] [用户视图] ip address <管理IP地址> <子网掩码> “` – 配置主机名: “`shell [...
1: IP Address from ifconfig Using curl Command The curl command can exchange data from a server. One of its many uses is finding your public IP address. To find public IP type the following command on shell: curl ifconfig.me This command will display Public IP on the terminal. ...
To find the IP address behind a domain name, use the host command: IP地址很难记住,并且可能会发生变化,这就是为什么我们通常使用诸如www.example.com之类的名称。 您的系统上的DNS库通常会自动处理这种转换,但有时您需要手动在名称和IP地址之间进行转换。 要查找域名背后的IP地址,请使用host命令: 代码语言:...
ip route del TARGET via GW del IFACE 显示路由: ip route show 清空路由: ip route flush [dev IFACE] [via PREFIX] 5.ss命令: ss命令与netstat的功能相似,但是比netstat功能更强大 ss - another utility to investigate sockets ss [options] [ FILTER ] 常用选项: -a:display all sockets:显示所有 -...
IP地址是计算机在互联网中唯一的地址编码,每台计算机如果需要接入网络和其他计算机进行数据通信,就必须配置唯一的公网IP地址 配置IP地址2中方法: 1)setup工具; 2) vim /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 重启网络服务:service network restart
based console version, and web (cgi) based counterpart. This manpage only addresses the console based version. Sipcalc, in its simplest form takes an ip-address and a subnet mask on the command line and outputs information about the subnet. Sipcalc has support for both IPv4 and IPv6 ...
Shell是一个程序,提供一个与用户对话的环境。这个环境只有一个命令提示符,让用户从键盘输入命令,所以又称为命令行环境(command line interface,简写为CLI)。Shell接收到用户输入的命令,将命令送入操作系统执行,并将结果返回给用户。 Shell是一个命令解释器,解释用户输入的命令。它支持变量、条件判断、循环操作等语法,...