One of the key features of the Linux Disk Utility is the ability to manage disk partitions. This tool allows users to create, resize, delete, and format partitions on their disk drives. By effectively managing disk partitions, users can easily organize their data and optimize storage space on ...
On the internet, you will find plenty of tools forchecking disk space usagein Linux. However, Linux has a strong built-in utility called ‘df‘. The ‘df‘ command stands for “disk filesystem“, it is used to get a full summary of available and used disk space usage of the file sys...
The xfs_quota utility provides a number of user and administrator subcommands. These subcommands can be issued in interactive mode or included as arguments to the xfs_quota command. Enter xfs_quota without any options or arguments to enter interactive mode. An xfs_quota> prompt appears in inter...
Checking free disk space with GNOME Disks utility Otherwise, the GNOME Disks utility is also a pretty handy tool. GNOME Disks Tool Start the tool and select the disk. Select a partition to see the free disk space. If a partition is not mounted, mount it first by clicking the ‘play’ i...
你也可以用"Disk Utility"这个软件来获得同样的信息。 图01: Gnome磁盘工具(Applications > System Tools > Disk Utility) #5 - 我的硬盘驱动器和服务器是不是太热了? 高温会引起服务器低效,所以你需要把服务器和磁盘维持在一个平稳适当的温度,高温甚至能导致服务器宕机或损坏文件系统和磁盘。用hddtemp或smartctl...
Method #2: Use the du Command to Assess Disk Space Usage Theducommand shows the use of the disk. This utility showsdisk space consumption by the size of directories, providing a more detailed overview of your disk consumption. When used without any flag or option, the command shows how muc...
图 01: Gnome磁盘工具(Applications > System Tools > Disk Utility)注意: 不要对S.M.A.R.T.工具期望太高,它在某些状况下无法工作,我们要定期做备份。5 - 我的硬盘驱动器和服务器是不是太热了?高温会引起服务器低效,所以你需要把服务器和磁盘维持在一个平稳适当的温度,高温甚至能导致服务器...
To list the SCSI devices on your system, use a utility that walks the device paths provided by sysfs. One of the most succinct tools is lsscsi. Here is what you can expect when you run it: 要列出系统上的SCSI设备,请使用一个遍历sysfs提供的设备路径的实用工具。其中一个最简洁的工具是lsscsi...
You can get this information in a graphical view using theDisks(gnome-disk-utility) in the GNOME desktop. Launch it to see all disks detected by your computer, and click a partition to see details about it, including space used and space remaining. ...
Check Disk Space on Linux using pydf Thedu and dfcommands are very popular among system administrators. However, thepydf commandcan also be useful if you are looking for a disk utility tool that displays information in a user friendly way. ...