...); // 如果文件路径所对应的文件存在,并且是一个文件,则直接删除 if (file.exists() && file.isFile()) {...if (file.delete()) { System.out.println("删除单个文件" + fileName + "成功!")...; return true; } else { System.out.println("删除单个文件" + fileName...; return false...
# 递归删除空文件夹 if os.path.exists(dir_path):...data') 如果需要把最外层目录一起删除,可以加上这句 # 加这段代码,最外层文件夹也一起删除 if os.path.exists(dir_path): os.rmdir...,不会删除空文件夹 :param dir_path: 文件夹路径 :return: """ p = Path(dir_path) if not p.exists...
If the function fails or fails to locate files from the search string in the lpFileName parameter, the return value is INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE If the function fails because no matching files can be found, the GetLastError function returns ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND. Relevant Link: https://msdn.microso...
* If we are the only user, then try to free up the swap cache. */ if (PageSwapCache(page) && !TryLockPage(page)) { if (!is_page_shared(page)) { delete_from_swap_cache_nolock(page); } UnlockPage(page); } page_cache_release(page); } 【文章福利】小编在群文件上传了一些个人觉...
touch /home/user/newfile.txtThe above command creates a new empty file called “newfile.txt” in the user’s /home/user directory. If newfile.txt already exists, it will update the access and modification times on the file instead.
# 基础使用 ubuntu@VM-8-8-ubuntu:/tmp$ cheat cp # To copy a file: cp ~/Desktop/foo.txt ~/Downloads/foo.txt # To copy a directory: cp -r ~/Desktop/cruise_pics/ ~/Pictures/ # To create a copy but ask to overwrite if the destination file already exists: cp -i ~/Desktop/foo....
if [ ! -r $1 ]; then # not exists and is readable echo "File $1 does not exist or is not readable." exit; fi 字符序列 if [ ! -r $1 ]; 是实际执行测试的部分。如果方括号之间的内容结果为 true,则将执行位于 if 和 fi 之间的命令。实际测试显示在方括号之间。感叹号用于对所执行的测试...
to build QEMU-ARCH-static, please enable QEMU_US=1 in board specific Makefile and rebuild it.If QEMU and QTOOL specified, the one in bsp submodule will be used in advance of one installed in system, but the first used is the one just compiled if exists....
如果if语句后放入一个不能工作的命令,则状态码为非0,且bash shell会跳过then后面的语句。 [22:43:53 root@libin3 libin]# vim shell21 /bin/bash #this is result error if libin then echo "this is error" fi if date then echo "this is success" ...
//将缓冲文件夹中的文件删除 String s = “D:\\txt\\inBuffer\\”+ fileInfo[0] +”\\” + fileID;//文件的绝对路径 File file = new...File(s); if(file.exists()){ boolean d = file.delete(); if(d){ System.out.print(“删除成功!”)...; }else{ System.out.print(“删除失败!”...