1.3 删除空目录 (Deleting Empty Directories) 如果只需删除一个空目录,可以使用rmdir命令。其基本语法如下: rmdir 目录名 例如,要删除名为empty_directory的空目录,可以使用以下命令: rmdir empty_directory 2. 使用图形用户界面删除文件 (Deleting Files Using a Graphical User Interface) 对于不熟悉命令行的用户,L...
删除目录的其他命令 (Other Commands for Deleting Directories) 除了rm和rmdir,还有其他一些命令和工具可以帮助删除目录。 1. 使用find命令删除目录 (Using the find Command to Delete Directories) find命令可以用于查找特定条件下的文件和目录,并执行删除操作。可以结合-exec选项来删除找到的目录。 find /路径 -type...
1. Find empty directories in the current directory using find -empty: $ find . -type d -empty 2. Use the following command to remove all empty directories under the current directory: $ find . -type d -empty -exec rmdir {} \; 3. Find empty files in the current directory using find...
-delete: Deletes the found files. Example: This command will find and delete all empty files in theDocumentsdirectory. find ~/Documents -type f -empty -delete Similarly, to find and delete empty directories: find /path/to/directory -type d -empty -delete -type d: Searches for directories....
userdel - Delete a user account and related files(删除用户账户及相关文件) passwd - Update user's authentication tokens(更新用户的认证令牌) 这些命令是Linux系统日常操作中非常基础且重要的部分,掌握它们对于有效管理和维护Linux系统至关重要。 相关搜索: linux命令英文全称pdf linux命令的英文全称 linux+rm英文...
-delete选项可以用来删除搜索到的文件和目录。 如删除 home 目录下所有的空目录:find ~ -type d -empty -delete 2. 执行自定义命令 -exec选项可以对搜索到的结果执行特定的命令。 如需要将 home 目录下所有的 MP3 音频文件复制到移动存储设备(假设路径是/media/MyDrive),可使用下面的命令:find ~ -type f -...
If you're dealing with an empty directory (such as my exampledir3, which had its contents removed), use the-dparameter to delete it: $lsdir3/ $rm-ddir3/ Advanced operations The shell makes creating files and directories easy, scriptable, and efficient. You can use special shell operations...
2. Delete a Directory in Linux Using the rmdir Command The Linuxrmdircommand removes empty directories only. The command uses the following syntax: rmdir [options] [directory name]Copy Thermdircommand includes the following options: --ignore-fail-on-non-empty: Doesn't show an error message when...
This is how you can delete an empty directory in linux. How to Delete a Non-empty Directory in Linux Now we will go over how to delete a non-empty directory in linux; this is a directory that has contents inside of it such as files or other directories. ...
rmdiris a command-line utility that enables you to delete empty directories. It comes in handy when you need to delete a directory, but you only want to do it if it’s empty, without having to check its contents. To delete a directory usingrmdir, enter the command followed by the name...